The American Wild Horse Conservation's (AWHC) mission is to defend America’s wild horses and burros to protect their freedom, preserve their habitat, and promote humane standards of treatment.
What we do.
The American Wild Horse Conservation's (AWHC) mission is to defend America’s wild horses and burros to protect their freedom, preserve their habitat, and promote humane standards of treatment.
Our vision is eternal freedom, protection, and preservation for America's wild horses
and burros.
We help dismantle, reform and replace failed portions of the federal management program to better protect wild horses and burros and improve land management and resource allocation.
We enact and enforce policies, standards and methods that improve the population management
of wild horses and burros living on public lands.
We champion and help establish transparency and humane standards of treatment for wild horses and burros for on-range management programs, and for those who are rounded up and held in confinement.