Roundup Report: Blue Wing Complex Horses and Burros


On July 8, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) began a wild horse and burro roundup in Nevada’s Blue Wing Complex. As of 2022, the complex is around 2,283,000 acres of public lands. The BLM is paying C D Warner Livestock LLC $624,870 to drive the animals into traps with helicopters. The operation seeks to gather and remove 1,373 horses and 356 burros. Of the captured horses, 40 of them will be treated with fertility control. This 2024 roundup seeks to reduce wild horse and burro population size to achieve the BLM’s unscientific Appropriate Management Level (AML).

Post Roundup Summary

July 8, 2024 - August 1, 2024

AWHC humane observers recently documented extremely concerning conditions, including abusive treatment during the Blue Wing Complex wild horse roundup.


The Blue Wing Complex roundup took place under unforgiving conditions, marked by two prolonged heat waves and poor air quality from nearby wildfires. There have been 42 deaths. The causes of death include:

  • Traumatic injuries such as broken necks and blunt-force trauma.

  • Three animals arriving at the holding corrals dead on the trailer after transport from the roundup site. Non-life-threatening conditions such as blindness, arthritis and clubbed feet for which the BLM routinely euthanizes animals.  


AWHC documenters raised concerns about:

  • Foals losing pace and separating from their dams. 

  • Helicopters pushing horses to exhuastionWranglers excessively pursuing and roping horses.

  • Abrasive paddling and agitating trapped horses.

  • Horses escaping poorly constructed traps.


The trap site was poorly visible on most days and holding facilities were private and publicly inaccessible (temporary holding at C Punch Ranch and short term in Axtell, UT). AWHC observers documented a contractor kicking and punching a wild horse. This extremely abusive conduct and treatment  of a wild horse rises to a level of criminal conduct that the agency must investigate and address. The agency’s directive is to ensure the humane treatment of wild horses. At minimum, there must be a complete and transparent investigation into cruel actions against wild horses.


Contractor: C D Warner Livestock LLC. Paid $624,870.

Short term holding (STH): Axtell holding facility, UT 


Final totals*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 1,665

    • 1,305 Horses (536 Stallions, 544 Mares, and 225 Foals)—under BLM target.

    • 360 Burros (186 Jacks, 152 Jennies, and 22 Foals)—more than BLM target.

  • Shipped: 1,620

    • 1,268 Horses (513 Stallions, 530 Mares, and 225 Foals)—under BLM target.

    • 352 Burros (183 Jacks, 147 Jennies, and 22 Foals)—under BLM target.

  • Released: 3 Horses (3 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)


Herd reduction*According to BLM's estimated population

  • 68% (Horses)

  • 74% (Burros)


42 Deaths.*According to BLM report

  • 34 Horses

  • 8 Burros

AWHC is on the ground—see our reports below

August 1, 2024

Weather: Sunny with a low of 63° and high of 94°F, very light breeze.


Summary: Observers not on site.


Total captured today: 83 (37 Stallions, 35 Mares, and 11 Foals)*According to BLM report


July 31, 2024

Weather: Sunny with a low of 63 and high of 94, very light breeze


Summary: Observers not on site.


Total captured today: 44 (20 Stallions, 18 Mares, and 6 Foals)*According to BLM report


3 Deaths.*According to BLM report

  • 20-plus-year-old, Sorrel stallion euthanized due to poor body condition (BCS 1).
  • 12-year-old, Sorrel stallion  euthanized due to previously broken left hind leg.
  • 15-year-old, Roan stallion euthanized due to previously broken right hind leg.


July 30, 2024: In light of the shocking abuse, AWHC is calling forth an investigation.


AWHC immediately leapt into action and filed a formal complaint regarding this horrific act of violence, calling for immediate investigation into the abuse, which rises to a level of criminal conduct under the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 and is punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 one year in jail or both. 


Sign onto the petition to end the roundup here.


Weather:  Sunny with a low of 57° and high of 86°F, very light breeze.


Summary: Observers not on site.


Daily total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 28 (10 Stallions, 13 Mares, and 5 Foals)

  • Shipped: 37 (12 Stallions, 16 Mares, and 9 Foals)


July 29, 2024

Location: Eugene Mountains HMA

Weather Hazy from smoke. Sunny with a low of 65° and high of 87°F. Wind at 10-20 mph.


SummaryTrap was hidden behind a hill today, allowing only a few, limited observations. The helicopter made five runs, rounding up large groups of horses in immensely smokey conditions. Roundups ended around 2:00 p.m.. Three trailers of horses left the site today. Five horses were euthanized (as per BLM website), including a mare who was euthanized for being blind in one eye. 


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 60 (27 Stallions, 26 Mares, and 7 Foals)

  • Shipped: 35 (12 Stallions, 23 Mares, and 0 Foals)


5 deaths.

  • 19 year old black mare euthanized due to blindness right eye

  • 20 year old sorrel stallion euthanized due to arthritis in left hind fetlock

  • 20 year old sorrel stallion euthanized due to arthritis in front knees

  • 20 year old sorrel stallion euthanized due to congenital deformity front left foot 

Young foal running with his herd

Helicopter pursuing a large herd

Horses loaded in tight conditions, awaiting transport


Helicopter swarming a large herd amid haze and clouds of dust

July 29, 2024:

Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 65°F and high of 87°F, wind 10-20 mph (via BLM reports).


Summary: Observers not on site.


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 60 (27 Stallions, 26 Mares, and 7 Foals)

  • Gathered: 35 (12 Stallions, 23 Mares, and 0 Foals)


5 Deaths.*According to BLM report

  • Black mare euthanized due to blindness in right eye.
  • Sorrel stallion euthanized due to arthritis left hind fetlock.
  • Sorrel stallion euthanized due to arthritis in front knees.
  • Sorrel stallion euthanized due to deformity front left foot.
  • Sorrel mare euthanized due to hernia.


July 28, 2024:

Weather Conditions: Smoke haze and sunny with a low of 54°F and high of 84°F. Light breezes.


SummarySmoke and haze limited observer visibility—exacerbated by today’s high temperatures, the smoke presents a hazard to running horses. First roundup brought horses into the trap by 8:20 a.m.. Close to 10:00 a.m., a helicopter landed near where three wranglers had roped a horse.Shrouded in dust and smoke, the tumult was caught on tape by an observer; determined to escape, the horse kept resisting and pushing back, eventually collapsing and trapped. The roundup concluded around 12 p.m..


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured:  33 (15 Stallions, 16 Mares, and 2 Foals)

  • Shipped: 73 (36 Stallions, 26 Mares, and 11 Foals)


Observations and Events: The area where the trap was set today is next to a checkerboard of land property owned by New NV Lands. They are the largest private landowners in the state of Nevada. They own approximately 500,000 acres of land and 1.25 million acres of mineral rights.  


Three wranglers struggling to rope a horse, the unrelenting horse ultimately collapses and is pushed to the trap.


A large group of horses running in clouds of smoke and dust into the trap.


July 27, 2024:

Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 53° and high of 87°F, wind 5-10 mph. However, observers reported a high of 90°F.


Summary: Over two miles away from the trap site, observers had greatly limited visibility at the outset. Even more, there was a smokey haze from nearby fires that shrouded the entire area; observers had zero visibility of the roundup.


Total captured today: 34 (17 Stallions, 11 Mares, and 6 Foals)*According to BLM report


1 Death.

  • Bay mare euthanized due to clubfoot.

With only a fleeting glimpse of horses, observers could only see a swarming helicopter.

Observer's view of the site.


July 26, 2024:

Location: Shawave HMA


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 53 and high of 87, wind 5-15 mph. Observers documented a high of 95°F—nearly surpassing BLM welfare standards.


Summary: With visibility of the trap, observers reported a series of concerning welfare violations: wranglers agitating trapped horses, horses unable to get up from the ground, and beating a horse in an abusive manner. Moreover, unpadded, overhead trap bars, horses escaped the trap, aggressively roped, and ceaselessly antagonized by the helicopter—horses closely and ruthlessly pursued by all points of operation.


Observations and Events: 

  • By 7:19 a.m., a horse collapsed in the trailer and did not get back up; reports confirm the horse did not survive.
  • At 9 a.m., a wrangler roughly paddled a horse, causing the horse to hit the trap’s panel.
  • After pushing for over forty minutes, a persistent mare escaped with two young horses. The helicopter continued to push the remaining horses towards the trap, but to no avail; horses resisted and split off, wranglers followed in pursuit. The observer remarked how wranglers pushed the horses for an unreasonable, unsafe amount of time; “there were wranglers roping horses in every direction.”
  • Whilst roped, a young horse was pushed and pulled until he collapsed. The wranglers continued to coax him off the ground; eventually, a wrangler appeared to kick him in the face. This went on for a “long time.”
  • Another wrangler chased down a stallion to the point of exhaustion. Six wranglers proceeded to rope down one horse.
  • At nearly 1 p.m., in extreme heat, the helicopter and wranglers pursued two more horses for an hour and seventeen minutes.
  • According to observers, the BLM became uncommunicative when horses were being kicked and roped. There appeared to be no redressing for clear welfare violations.
  • The whole operation left an observer “at a loss for words. […] I can’t even describe what I was witnessing.”


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 37 (16 Stallions, 16 Mares, and 5 Foals)

  • Shipped: 36 (12 Stallions, 24 Mares, and 0 Foals)

  • Released: 1 (1 Stallion, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)


2 Deaths.*According to BLM report

  • Sorrel stallion euthanized due to blindness in right eye.
  • Brown mare died due to broken neck.

Warning: Graphic Content

A roped young horse, trying to persist and push free is met with unrelenting force forward. Exhausted, he collapses and cannot rise; a dismounted wrangler appears to kick him in the face.


 A series of horses being relentlessly pushed and roped; many collapsing and depleted.

A horse collapsing in a trailer.

Mare leads two foals to freedom.


July 25, 2024:

Location: Kamma Mountains, Lava Beds, and Seven Troughs HMA's


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 64F° and high of 87F° variable breezes. Observer’s documented a high of 95F°, reaching the limit of BLM welfare standards.


Summary: Set at the same location as the previous five days, the trap was not visible to the observers. During the first run, at 7 am, the helicopter pursued eight horses over a ridge. As they were being pushed up the hill, the group appeared tired; the horses were reluctant to continue down the ridge and confused by the helicopter’s direction. Eventually, the helicopter was able to push them into the trap. Observer’s were unsure if there was water at the trap—a potential hazard and welfare violation. The eight trapped horses waited in the transportation trailer for over an hour. By 9:45 am, they were finally transported to temporary holding at a publicly inaccessible, private facility.


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 8 (3 Stallions, 5 Mares, and 0 Foals)

  • Shipped: 81 (37 Stallions, 26 Mares, and 18 Foals)

Tired, the eight horses being pushed up the ridge.


July 24, 2024:

Location: Kamma Mountains, Lava Beds, and Seven Troughs HMA's


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 68° and high of 94,° very light breeze. Observers recorded a temperature of 97° by noon—a definitive violation of BLM welfare standards.


Summary: As with yesterday’s roundup, observer visibility of the operation was low. Again, foals and weakened horses couldn’t keep pace, wranglers roped more horses, the trap was hazardously dusty, and extreme heat further endangered the horses. On every run, foals were visibly struggling to persist and stay with the group. Additionally, the typical perimeter for the runs is 5 miles, however, the core lead doubled this to 10 miles; this is particularly far to run foals, especially given the extreme weather conditions.


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 63 (27 Stallions, 27 Mares, and 9 Foals)

  • Shipped: 37 (24 Stallions, 13 Mares, and 0 Foals)


Observations and Events: Arriving at 4:30 am, BLM personnel caravanned two observers for over an hour to the observation site. During the second run, a young horse was roped.

A group of horses appearing unmoved and defiant against the helicopter.

Some foals and horses losing ground with the group.


A young horse being chased down and wrangled to a tumble. Persistent, the horse continues to try and run away.

Through heat waves, one can see foals depleted and struggling to stay with the herd.

Tired foals and horses running from the helicopter. 

July 23, 2024:

Location: Kamma Mountains, Lava Beds, and Seven Troughs HMA's


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 67 and high of 94, very light breeze. Observers documented 98° in the shade, objectively violating BLM’s welfare standards.


Summary: As with the previous three days, observers could not see the trap or its wings. Nearly a mile away in a ravine, the trap was further obscured by clouds of dust from running horses. However, after operations concluded, observers noted the trap lacked padding on the overhead bars—a glaring hazard. Moreover, foals couldn’t keep pace during pursuit, foals were separated, and horses were escaping the trap. Amidst the chaos of horses jumping over the jute and escaping, a mare was roped to be captured with her separated, already trapped foal. The Blue Wing FY24 roundup has consistently operated despite several Heat Advisories, objectively violating BLM’s welfare standards. Temporary holding remains on private property and inaccessible for public access.


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 81 (37 Stallions, 35 Mares, and 9 Foals)

  • Shipped: 122 (48 Stallions, 50 Mares, and 24 Foals)


Observations and Events: The first run of the day pushed a large band for miles, leaving foals exhausted and struggling to keep pace. As temperatures continued to rise, another group was pursued across the mountain. One foal appeared so depleted that she needed to keep stopping with her dam, but was still pushed towards the pursued group. A few horses escaped over the trap’s jute. A BLM employee told an observer that the horse lying down in the trailer on 7/22 was "fine" after transport to temporary holding.

Mare being roped to join her captured foal

Large group of horses, depleted and slowing down. A couple foals trailing even farther behind the herd.

An exhausted foal and her dam falling even farther behind the herd. Despite the exhaustion, their pursuit persisted

The trap lacked overhead padding


July 22, 2024:

Location: Area between Kamma Mountains, Lava Beds and Seven Troughs HMA


Weather Conditions: Heat advisory still in effect. Temperature midday was 101 degrees in the shade.


Summary: Multiple runs conducted with poor visibility of trap site and wings. A large group was pushed into the trap at 9:00am, and roundup operations ended at 12:20pm. Heat was extreme, and one horse was lying down in the trailer during transport to temporary holding. Temporary holding is located on private property and is offering no access for observation. 


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 126 (54 Stallions, 48 Mares, and 24 Foals)

  • Shipped: 75 (23 Stallions, 36 Mares, and 16 Foals)  

3 Deaths.*According to BLM report

  • 14 year old roan stallion euthanized due to blindness in right eye. AWHC has ongoing investigations regarding blindness deaths.

  • 30 year old sorrel stallion euthanized due to having no teeth.

  • 17 year old black mare euthanized due to Equine Lordosis.


Observations and Events: horse lying down in the trailer during transport prompted the driver to stop and exit the truck to check on the horse.

Horse lying down in trailer, prompting driver to halt transport and check inside.

Helicopter pursuing a large herd.

July 21, 2024:

Location: North backside of Seven Troughs HMA


Weather Conditions: Heat Advisory in effect until Tuesday night. Temperatures in the triple digits. 


Summary: Roundups are happening from the Kamma Mountains, Lava Beds, and Seven Troughs HMAs. Trap and trap wings were not visible to observers. Despite the heat wave, helicopters ran horses starting before 7:00 am, ending at around 11:00 am when temperatures were close to 100 degrees, a violation of BLM’s welfare standards. Young foals were observed running miles to the trap, struggling to keep up; more foals were left behind during the final push into the trap, and some had to be chased down and roped. One yearling avoided capture and went running by the observation area. 


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 64 (25 Stallions, 30 Mares, and 9 Foals) 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)

  • Shipped: 37 (24 Stallions, 13 Mares, and 0 Foals)  0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)


3 Deaths.*According to BLM report

  • 16 year old bay mare died due to blunt force trauma caused by a horse kicking her in the head
  • 11 year old bay mare found deceased on truck upon arrival at holding
  • 20 year old pinto mare euthanized due to poor body condition

Observations and Events: Today, AWHC learned the COD of a stallion from July 20; he broke his neck while in the trap. Additionally, a mare that died July 19 broke her neck at temporary holding. As for the two horses reported as “released” (via the BLM), they actually escaped from temporary holding. 

Separated, young foal being roped.

Escaping foal being roped.


July 20, 2024:

Location: North backside of Seven Troughs HMA


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 70 degrees and a high of 98 degrees. Slight breeze.


Summary: BLM used a new trap site today with the stated goal of capturing 400 horses from this area. Unless treated with fertility control, the BLM employees would not release any animal. The trap today was about a mile away from observation site, and was on flat ground. Visibility was poor. 


Today’s operations captured horses from the Seven Troughs, Lava Beds, and Kamma Mountains HMA’s. The helicopter began roundups at 7:50am and the temperature was already nearly 80 degrees. By 8:30am a trailer was leaving the trap site with a load of newly captured horses. By 9:00am, it was nearly 90 degrees. Seventeen horses were captured at 10:00am and were visibly exhausted. One horse escaped the run. And when that horse was unthreatened, at a distance, it looked back at its entire family—stuck in the trap. At 10:20am, the helicopter landed. By 11:00am the roundup ended for the day, with the temperature at nearly 100 degrees, completely violating BLM welfare regulations. The trailer left the trap with another load of horses in the extreme heat. 


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 57 (25 Stallions, 25 Mares, and 7 Foals)

  • Shipped: 36 (12 Stallions, 15 Mares, and 9 Foals)

1 Death.*According to BLM report

  • 11 year old bay stallion died due from a broken neck


Observations and Events: One mare reported to have died in temporary holding from a heart condition. A necropsy was performed and she was found to have enlarged walls in her heart. The BLM has not reported this death. 

Bands of horses, including foals, running from the helicopter.

Loaded trailer taking captured horses to holding.


July 19, 2024:

Location: Shawave HMA


Weather Conditions: Sunny. Low of 64 degrees, high of 92 with a light breeze


Summary: First roundup occurred shortly after 8:00am. Horses were pursued by helicopter for over an hour before reaching the trap. At 9:00am the first trailer left with captured horses to take to temporary holding. Before 10:00am a second band, including two foals, was run into the trap. Between 10:00am and 10:30am, another two trailers full of horses left. At approximately 10:40am, a wrangler came in with a foal. A last run was made by the helicopter as well, bringing yet another band into the trap. One horse fell behind and was roped and brought in.


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • Captured: 32 (12 Stallions, 11 Mares, and 9 Foals) 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)

  • Shipped: 85 (38 Stallions, 25 Mares, and 22 Foals)  0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)


3 Deaths.*According to BLM report

  • 1 year old bay mare euthanized due to broken neck

  • 16 year old roan stallion euthanized due to lameness in right hip

  • Buckskin foal euthanized due to deformed front legs

Observations and Events: During the last run, the helicopter pilot pushed horses from a far distance and was unsuccessful in trapping them. Consequently, horses were left without immediate or close access to water after the long run towards the traps.

Observers witnessed one roping of a horse and noted that the overhead bars of the temporary holding pens were unpadded, which is a BLM violation. 

Lone foal being roped.

Helicopter pushing band of horses into trap.

Date: July 18, 2024

Location: Shawave Mountains HMA


Weather Conditions: Temperatures were between 75 and 92 degrees. Sunny skies with winds at 5-7 MPH.  

Summary: The observers were .81 miles away from the trap site. One horse hit a panel at the trap site on the last run and fell down, but got up. The trap appeared to be set up in accordance with CAWP, however there does not seem to be padding on the overhead bar. Towards the end of the day the trap/catch pen should have been watered down to avoid excessive dust, but there was no dust abatement. There were no ropings today. Temporary Holding was on private land at C Punch Ranch. The animals were brought to Axtell Holding in Utah, a private short-term holding facility. There were 5 deaths today. All were euthanized. 


Total captured today: 112 (41 Stallions, 49 Mares, and 22 Foals)*According to BLM report:


Observations and Events:

  • 1 horse hit a panel at the trap site on the last run and fell down, but got up.
  • No dust abatement. 
  • No padding on the overhead bar.
  • 5 deaths

5 deaths:*According to BLM report:

  • 12-year-old, Bay stallion euthanized due to lameness, i.e., previous injury to right rear hock.

  • 20-year-old, Roan mare euthanized due to heart disease-failure.

  • 9-year-old, Sorrel stallion euthanized due to lameness, i.e., previous injury to front right knee.

  • 12-year-old, Bay mare euthanized due to broken left hind leg.

  • 25-plus-year-old, Gray stallion euthanized due to poor body condition 

Photos to come.



July 17, 2024:

Location: Observation site on Shawave HA. However, observers were notified the contractors were rounding up from the Selenite HA.


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 67 and high of 92, winds 5-10 mph


Summary: Today’s trap appeared to be compliant with BLM standards, however, observers noted the overhead bars lacked appropriate padding; a foal was able to push his head through the bars on the catch pen. Three members of the public attended the roundup and witnessed depleted horses and foals falling behind, running through trap fencing, and helicopters pushing horses from beyond the designated perimeter.  One of our observers captured on video (posted below) of a lone stallion taking a serious fall whilst being roped.


Today's total*According to BLM report:

  • 169 (69 Stallions, 70 Mares, and 30 Foals) Captured

  • 76 (50 Stallions, 26 Mares, and 0 Foals) Shipped 

A lone stallion being pushed by the helicopter; eventually two ropers start chasing him. Sprinting away from the ropers, the horse takes a shocking fall. Observers unsure if the horse survived the tumble, the stallion ultimately rose, roped, and attempted to continue running but to no avail.


Large herd running and a young foal being roped.

Horses getting agitated in trap.

Another lone young foal roped.

July 16, 2024:

Location: Truckee Range HA


Weather: Sunny with a low of 73 and high of 94, winds 8-17 mph


Summary: Operations, conducted by C D Warner Livestock, appeared to be in compliance with BLM standards. Temperatures were rising through the early morning, nearing a premature ending to the roundup. By the third to last run, a stallion was pushed to the trap; five wranglers had to rope him in. The Truckee Range HA is now zeroed out.


Today's total*According to BLM report:

  • Captured: 74 (23 Stallions, 35 Mares, and 16 Foals) 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)

  • Shipped: 70 (21 Stallions, 34 Mares, and 15 Foals)  0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)


Helicopter pushing herds of horses to trap.

Horses loaded for transportation to C Punch Ranch.

Horses being closely rounded and pushed by the helicopter into the trap.

Horses being paddled into trap, crowded and stressful. Loaded immediately into trucks.

Large horse herds running into the trap, shrouded in clouds of dust.

Helicopter pushing a lone horse; observations distorted by heat haze.

Five contractors roping a lone stallion.


July 15, 2024:

Location: Shawave Mountains HMA


Weather Conditions: Hotter than yesterday. Mid 90s by the time the roundups ended.


Summary: The trap was the same as yesterday, but visibility was worse due to heat distortion. There was reportedly an issue in temporary holding regarding a loose foal; the helicopter hovered for a while until the foal was returned. A few horses evaded the trap today. One horse was eventually captured but several others, including a burro, avoided the trap. Two trailers went to temporary holding from the trap after the roundups were complete. 


Today's total*According to BLM report:

  • Captured: 28 (12 Stallions, 10 Mares, and 6 Foals)

  • Shipped: 126 (48 Stallions, 51 Mares, and 27 Foals)


3 Deaths.*According to BLM report:

  • 3-year-old, Grulla stallion euthanized due to club foot, right front.
  • 11-year-old, Bay mare euthanized due to developmental deformity, right hind leg.
  • 17-year-old, Bay stallion euthanized due to fractured front left shoulder.


July 14, 2024: 

Location: Shawave Mountains HMA


Weather Conditions: Temperatures were between 70 and 86 degrees. Some rain showers with gusts of wind up to 11 MPH.  


Summary: Today’s roundup began at 7:45am when the first helicopters began flying. They made six runs, bringing in a total of 119 horses. There was only one public observer today and the trap entrance was not visible from the observation point. However, horses were able to be seen as they were brought into the catch pen just before they entered the trap. 


No deaths or injuries were observed, but many foals and a few weak horses fell behind during the runs. We also witnessed the contractors separating foals from their mothers and roping horses; there was a lot of whinnying. 


Both holding facilities are private property (temporary at C-Punch; short-term at Axtell), and so, public observation is prohibited.


Today's total*According to BLM report:

  • Captured: 119 (51 Stallions, 44 Mares, and 24 Foals)

  • Shipped: 87 (36 Stallions, 25 Mares, and 26 Foals)

  • Released: 1 (1 Stallion, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)


3 Deaths.*According to BLM report:

  • 5-year-old, Bay stallion euthanized due to severe arthritis in front right knee.
  • 20-year-old, Black stallion euthanized due to severe arthritis in front right knee.
  • 16-year-old, Dun mare euthanized due to deformed right front leg.


July 13, 2024: 

Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 74 and high of 95, winds 8-15 mph.


Summary: AWHC is on the ground at the Blue Wing Complex. 

AWHC’s roundup observer Monica Ross met the BLM at 4:45 am at the Toulon exit off of 1-80. Together they caravanned to the trap location. By 6:12 am the helicopter was in the air. At the start, the temp was at 80° F, and winds were 2-4 MPH.


The first run came in at 8:12 am and the second came in at 9:36 am. Both times the contractor brought the horses down from the area behind the mountain. The BLM told Ross that told that they were bringing the mustangs in from areas outside the HMA. She was unable able to see how many came in due to distance and heat. The perimeter that he is allowed to fly from trap is set at 5 miles. At 10:22 the BLM called it a day. Temp was at 99°F. 


Today's total*According to BLM report:

  • Captured: 42 (13 Stallions, 19 Mares, and 10 Foals)

  • Shipped: 10 (6 Stallions, 4 Mares, and 0 Foals) and 50 (14 Jacks, 34 Jennies and 2 Foals)


2 Deaths.*According to BLM report:

  • 5-year-old, Bay stallion euthanized due to fractured left hind leg.

  • 15-year-old, Sorrel stallion euthanized due to severe arthritis in front left knee.


Ross went to temp holding and view is obstructed by farm/ranching equipment as we are only allowed outside the fence line. 


July 12, 2024:  

Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 79 and high of 95, winds 2-15 mph.


Summary: Today is the beginning of the BLM rounding up wild horses in the Blue Wing Complex. The first run came in with approximately 25 burros. After this, there were 2 more runs bringing in wild horses and then the BLM ended the roundup for the day due to heat. The view of the trap was extremely obstructed.  


Today's total*According to BLM report:

  • Captured 94 (39 Stallions, 36 Mares, and 19 Foals) 25 (10 Jacks, 13 Jennies and 2 Foals)

  • Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)  141 (61 Jacks, 60 Jennies and 20 Foals)


2 Deaths.*According to BLM report:

  • 5-year-old, Gray jenny died due to Colic.

  • 2-year-old, Pinto jenny found deceased on truck upon arrival at Indian Lakes Off-Range Corrals.


July 11, 2024:
Location: Porter Springs, 7 Troughs HMA


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 75°and high of 95°, winds 2-5 mph

Summary: Our observer was placed over a mile away from the trap site with extremely obstructed visibility. When the helicopters pushed the burros toward the site, they came in from behind a hill, which obstructed our observer's view of the burros as they approached the trap. All Burros were shipped to Axtell Holding facility and 77 to Indian Lakes in Fallon, NV.


Today's total captured: 27 (17 Jacks, 7 Jennies and 3 Foals)*According to BLM report:

Observations and Events: 

• Some burros were roped

• Cattle present

• Very difficult to see trap site

Photos and videos

A burro is roped in the distance

Blue Wing burros

Other wildlife in the area

Blue Wing Horses


July 10, 2024:

Location: Porter Springs, 7 Troughs HMA


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 68 and high of 93, winds 2-10 mph



Two members of the public were present. Over a mile away and behind a hill, the trap was barely visible to observers. Temperatures rose to 93° and prematurely concluded operations by 10:30 a.m.; the National Weather Service has extended the Excessive Heat Warning until Saturday. According to BLM reports, 50 burros were trapped, all of which (54) were shipped. One death occurred. Transported to private property (C-Punch Ranch) for temporary holding, public observation was unavailable.


Today's total*According to BLM report

  • 50 (33 Jacks, 12 Jennies and 5 Foals) Captured

  • 54 (18 Jacks, 36 Jennies and 0 Foals) Shipped


One death.*According to BLM report

  • 20-plus-year-old, Gray jack euthanized due to severe arthritis in front right knee. 


Observations and Events: 

  • Trap visibility was low; it was over a mile away and behind a hill.
  • Four burros coming for water at Porter Spring got captured.
  • The helicopter separated the burros from cattle before pushing the burros towards the trap.
  • One of the burros hung back and was later roped by a crew on horseback.
  • By the time operations finished, all that remained were cattle; all burros near Porter Springs were captured and removed.
  • The cattle have ear tags and brands belonging to C-Punch; C-Punch Ranch also happens to be the temporary holding contracted by the BLM. No public observation was allowed.


Photos and videos:

Burros at Porter Springs before being trapped.

Burros being pushed past a cattle herd.

Burros coming in for water, soon to be rounded up.

View of burros being pushed behind a hill into the trap.

End of today’s operations, only cattle remain.

Cattle with C-Punch ear tags.

July 9, 2024:

Location: Lava Beds HMA


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 66 and high of 93, winds 2-10 mph



There were 3 members of the public present. Placed in a ravine, Visibility of the trap was obstructed and shrouded in clouds of dust. By 7:30 a.m., temperatures reached 90°F and ended operations early (10 a.m.) at a temperature of 94°F. Afterwards, 54 burros were shipped to holding. 


Today's total*According to BLM report114 (60 Jacks, 50 Jennies and 4 Foals) Captured


5 deaths.*According to BLM report

  • 15-year-old, Gray jenny found deceased on trailer upon arrival at temporary holding.
  • 2-year-old, Gray jack euthanized due to fractured leg.
  • 20-plus-year-old, Gray jack euthanized due to club foot.
  • 4-year-old, Brown jenny euthanized due to deformed front legs.
  • 18-year-old, Brown jenny euthanized due to deformed front feet.


Observations and Events: 

  • Low visibility of trap site; placed ½ a mile away in a ravine.
  • Observers only saw a cloud of dust approaching the trap.
  • Burros were roped.
  • Gathers stopped by 10 a.m. at 94°F. The National Weather Service has listed an Excessive Heat Warning for the area until Friday. 
  • Temporary holding on private property, allowing no viewing.


Photos and videos

View of trap site.

View of trap site

Helicopters pushing burros towards the trap.

Helicopters pushing burros towards the trap.

Horseback riders pushing burros into the trap.

Horseback riders pushing burros into the trap.

As burros enter the trap, clouds of dust rise from the ravine.

As burros enter the trap, clouds of dust rise from the ravine.

After avoiding the trap, riders approach to rope the escaping burros.

After avoiding the trap, riders approach to rope the escaping burros.

Observer view of temporary holding.

Observer view of temporary holding.


July 8, 2024:


Location: Porter Springs / 7 Troughs HMA


Weather Conditions: Sunny with a low of 66 and high in the triple digits. Winds of 5-15 mph



The trap was over a mile away, with the burros coming in from behind a hill. The roundup stopped at noon, at 94 degrees. 144 burros captured on the first day of this roundup. CD Warner Livestock LLC removed burros from Porter Springs on the 7 Troughs HMA. A 6-person video crew and the AWHC observer showed for observation. Most of the burros our observer saw coming for water at Porter Spring got captured. A few burros temporarily avoided capture by hiding among the cattle. With fewer burros after the removal 2 years ago, our observer has noticed a lot more cattle at Porter Springs. The National Weather Service has listed an Excessive Heat Warning for the area until Friday. The temperature climbed to 105. Temp holding is on private property.


Today's total captured: 144 (66 Jacks, 70 Jennies and 8 Foals)*According to BLM report


Observations and Events: 

  • Poor visibility of trap site; observers placed over a mile away
  • The roundup stopped at noon, at 94 degrees. Temperature continued to climb after.
  • lot more cattle at Porter Springs.
  • The National Weather Service has listed an Excessive Heat Warning for the area until Friday. 

The roundup takes place in the distance as two Blue Wing burros evade the helicopter

Burros hide among the many cattle in the Blue Wing Complex

Burros and cattle stand by a watering hole

Blue Wing burros

Blue Wing burro family

Burros are pushed forward by helicopter

View of the trap site

Helicopter pushing burros toward the trap site

Last updated July, 2024