
The Onaqui Roundup: Here are 10 things you need to know

The Onaqui roundup is on.  Here are ten things you need to know. 

(July 14, 2021) #1: The BLM postponed the roundup twice in the past five days awaiting a decision by a federal judge on a motion for a preliminary injunction to stop the roundup filed by an animal rights group. Yesterday, the judge denied the injunction request and this morning the BLM announced that the roundup begins today. 

U.S. Forest Service to Decimate the Heber Wild Horses Rally Planned in Opposition

Public Can Weigh in With Comments Until April 22. A protest is being planned on the same day.

BLM Releases Plan to Destroy 40 Percent of Wyoming’s Wild Horse Population

ROCK SPRINGS, WY (April 5, 2021) —  Today, the nation’s leading wild horse advocacy organization, the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC), assailed a plan by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to destroy an iconic population of wild horses living in a 2.5 million acres habitat in the “Wyoming Checkerboard” in the southern part of the state. 

Nevada could lose 40,000 wild horses if you don’t act TODAY!

(March 25, 2021) Nevada could lose 40,000 wild horses if you don’t act TODAY!

BLM Transparency Issues on Full Display at Winter Wild Horse Roundups

By Brieanah Schwartz

(March 12, 2021) The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Department of the Interior are, in theory, supposed to be honest brokers between private and public interests competing for the management and use of American public lands. In practice, when it comes to wild horses anyway, the BLM has for generations been little less than an instrument for the business interests it is supposed to regulate. 

BLM Roundup Season Ends with 31 Wild Horses Dead in Latest Nevada Capture Operations

American Wild Horse Campaign Calls on Biden Administration to Rein in the BLM; Improve Treatment of Iconic Animals

RENO, NEVADA (February 18, 2021) The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) wild horse and burro roundup season ended this week with the conclusion of two large-scale capture operations in eastern Nevada. According to agency policy, the BLM will pause roundups from March 1 through June 30 for the foaling season. 

Roundup Report: Silver King HMA (Feb 2021)

Starting on February 5, 2021, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will begin to remove approximately 283 wild horses and permanently remove approximately 258 from the Silver King Herd Management Area in eastern Nevada. The agency stated that it plans to treat up to 25 mares with the fertility control vaccine GonaCon-Equine and release them back into the HMA.

Roundup Report: Eagle Complex 2021

(January 7, 2021) The Eagle Complex consists of the Eagle, Chokecherry and Mt. Elinor herd management areas (HMAs). The BLM estimates the current population for the 743,000 acre Eagle Complex is 1,415 wild horses, including the 2020 foal crop. Yet the “Appropriate” Management Level (AML) is 139-265 wild horses -- that equates to 1 horse per every 2,803 - 5,345 acres.

Roundup Report: Fish Creek Roundup 2021

The Fish Creek HMA is located just a few miles south of Eureka, Nevada in the Antelope and Little Smokey Valleys and in the Antelope and Fish Creek Mountains. The area consists of 250,244 acres of BLM land and 2,527 acres of a mix of private and other public lands for a total of 252,771 acres. The area is 25 miles wide and 28 miles long. The majority of the HMA is comprised of north-south trending mountain ranges that include all or portions of the Fish Creek Range, the Mahogany Hills, and the Antelope Range.