
Sand Wash Basin Roundup Continues For Final Day  


Sand Wash Basin Roundup Continues Outside Herd Management Area

50 captured horses to be released as 6th orphaned foal confirmed

AWHC Calls for Congressional Oversight Hearing on BLM Wild Horse Program and Moratorium on Roundups

AWHC Cheers Colorado Governor Jared Polis’ Help in Sand Wash Basin, Plan for State Involvement

10,000 Citizens Ask Interior to Halt the Roundup As Capture Total Exceeds 600

Media Update 9/9/21

5th foal (baby horse) orphaned in roundup, then euthanized for symptoms associated with capture shock, but BLM calls death "non-gather related"

Roundup Report: Sand Wash Basin Wild Horses, Sept 2021

The Sand Wash Basin Herd Management Area (HMA) is made up of 157,730 acres in Colorado. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) currently estimates there are 896 wild horses, including the 2021 foals. However, the BLM’s unscientifically low Appropriate Management Level (AML) for the HMA – the number of horses the agency claims that the range can sustainably support in conjunction with other animals and resource uses – is 163-362 horses. 

Story of orphaned foal (baby horse) and her stallion protector goes viral as Sand Wash Basin roundup continues

Sierra Club National tells Interior Dept. to remove livestock not wild horses

Day 7 Media Update 9/8/2021

Media Update: Local Group Calls on BLM to Rein in Helicopters Amidst Controversial Roundup

Sand Wash Basin Advocate Team Calls on BLM to Rein in Helicopter Wranglers as Sierra Club National Weighs In

Weeks-old foal left alone on the range after mother was captured sent to vet hospital for care

Media Update 9/7/2021 

Controversy swirls over CO wild horse roundup as Gov’s request to postpone is ignored

The American Wild Horse Campaign has observers onsite at the ongoing helicopter roundup being conducted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the Sand Wash Basin Herd Management Area (HMA) in northwest Colorado. AWHC will be providing daily updates for the media.

Based on the Science, Western Watershed Project Joins Call for Postponement of Wild Horse Roundup

WWP joins Sierra Club, Governor Polis, Congressman Neguse, and American Wild Horse Campaign in science and legal based calls for BLM to Postpone Roundup in Sand Wash Basin 

Wild Horse “Drought Emergency”  Roundup on Hold Due to Rain as Chorus of Opposition from Political Leaders Grows

Maybell, CO (September 1, 2021) — A controversial  Bureau of Land Management (BLM)  “emergency drought” roundup of nearly 800 wild horses from the Sand Wash Basin Herd Management Area (HMA) in northwestern Colorado was postponed this morning due to rain.

CO Governor and CO chapter of the Sierra Club Weigh in on Colorado Wild Horse Round-Up 

The Colorado Chapter of the Sierra Club joins Governor, wild horse advocates in calling for halt to Sand Wash Basin Roundup Operation