
AWHC Blasts U.S. Forest Service For Selling Protected California Wild Horses For $1 Per Horse

U.S. Taxpayers to Fund Transportation of Wild Horses Purchased Under New Plan by U.S. Forest Service

Forest Service moves forward dangerous plan for Oregon wild horse herd

By Mary Koncel

(Jan 29, 2021) A recently released management plan by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) could spell the end for wild horses on Big Summit Wild Horse Territory (Territory) in the Ochoco National Forest.

Bernhardt’s parting shot to wild horses

(January 17, 2021) Outgoing Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and his illegally serving Bureau of Land Management (BLM) director William Perry Pendley will go down in history as the worst stewards of our nation’s public lands.

How A Changing Judiciary Could Impact Wildlife, Wild Horse and Environmental Protection

By Brieanah Schwartz, AWHC Government Relations and Policy Counsel

(October 28, 2020) With Justice Amy Coney Barrett recently confirmed by the Senate for a lifetime appointment to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), we thought this was an opportune time to take a look at how this administration’s judicial appointments have impacted and will impact environmental and wild horse decisions for years to come.


In-Depth: Pressure Mounts Against Pendley

(October 23, 2020) Earlier this month, AWHC joined with major U.S. conservation organizations in calling on Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to rescind illegal actions of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) implemented during the unlawful tenure of William Perry Pendley as head of the agency.

AWHC Joins in Calling on DOI to Retract Wild Horse Policies Enacted During Unlawful Tenure of Pendley 

WASHINGTON - (October 13, 2020)... The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC), the nation’s leading wild horse advocacy organization, today joined with major U.S. conservation organizations in calling on Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to rescind illegal actions of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) implemented during the unlawful tenure of William Perry Pendley as head of the agency. 

Have you Bought a BLM Mustang Between 2018-2020? We Need Your Help

The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) is investigating the relationship between current Bureau of Land Management (BLM) adoption and sales practices and the apparent increase in the number of mustangs ending up in kill pens.

BLM Plans to Brutalize UT Wild Horses With Risky Surgical Procedures

(FILLMORE, UTAH) Oct 5, 2020 - Despite multiple lawsuits, federal injunctions, and overwhelming congressional and public opposition, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced today that it is again moving ahead with implementing the barbaric surgical procedure, ovariectomy via colpotomy, on wild mares, this time targeting the federally-protected wild horse herds of Utah’s Confusion Herd Management Area (HMA), 90 miles northwest of Delta