
Sierra Club Adopts Friendly Wild Horse Policy

(June 21, 2021) The Sierra Club is one of the nation’s leading environmental organizations focusing on issues ranging from climate change to sustainable energy, and now the organization has endorsed the protection of wild horses and burros. This past May, the Board of Directors adopted a new Wild Horse and Burro Policy that reversed and replaced the forty-year-old position.

The Sierra Club’s previous position statement on wild horses and burros looked like this:

Members of Congress Say “Whoa” to Federal Adoption Incentive Program That’s Sending Truckloads of Horses to Slaughter

Explosive New York Times report, prompted by the American Wild Horse Campaign’s investigation, fuels calls for anti-slaughter legislation and end to wild horse roundups

New Evidence Released Documenting Fraud, Abuse and Negligence in Fed’l Wild Horse Adoption Program 

WASHINGTON, DC (May 19, 2021)  — A report released today by the nation’s leading wild horse organization provides new evidence of rampant abuse, neglect, and sale for slaughter of wild horses and burros as a result of a federal adoption incentive program. The program was first exposed by a New York Times exposé (5/15/21) as a pipeline to slaughter for truckloads of these federally-protected animals.

Federal Adoption Program Sends Wild Horses and Burros to Slaughter, National Investigation Reveals

American Wild Horse Campaign & coalition partners call for termination of the Bureau of Land Management Adoption Incentive Program following NY Times Expose’

BLM’s Adoption Incentive Program Is Funneling Wild Horses & Burros to Slaughter

(May 15, 2021) The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Adoption Incentive Program (AIP) was implemented in 2019 to increase the number of wild horses and burros adopted or sold as a mechanism for accommodating the previous administration’s plan to accelerate roundup and removal of wild horses and burros from public lands, as outlined in the BLM’s 2020 Report to Congress. An alarming number of BLM horses and burros have been subjected to cruel conditions and sold at kill pens where they are purchased for slaughter.

Nevada Wild Horse Advocates Unite to Oppose SJR3: State Resolution Calls for Mass Wild Horse Roundups in Nevada

Nevada Wild Horse Advocates Unite to Oppose SJR3

State Resolution Calls for Mass Wild Horse Roundups in Nevada

American Wild Horse Campaign Applauds Confirmation of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland

March 16, 2021

DeAnn Sloan, Horse Nation

In a 51-40 vote, four Republican Senators broke party lines to join Democrats in confirming Madam Secretary Haaland.

Washington, D.C. (March 15, 2021) — The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) is hailing yesterday’s confirmation of U.S. Rep. Debra Haaland as Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior:

American Wild Horse Campaign Applauds Confirmation of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland

WASHINGTON, DC (March 15, 2021) The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) is hailing today’s confirmation of U.S. Rep. Debra Haaland as Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior:  

FOIA Records: BLM Moved Forward with IUD Use without Scientific Accreditation

By Brieanah Schwartz

(March 15, 2021) The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) began the implementation of Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) in wild mares even though they remain unproven as an effective and humane population management tool. The first herd to receive IUDs is the Swasey Herd Management Area (HMA) in Utah. This precedent-setting move by the agency to implement IUDs without first studying and analyzing their effects and effectiveness is irresponsible wild horse management. 

Group Charges Trump Appointment Violates Federal Advisory Committee Act

WASHINGTON, DC (February 23, 2021) — The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC), the nation’s leading wild horse protection organization, sent a letter yesterday addressed to the Deputy Solicitor and Committee Management Officer for the Interior Department charging that an appointment made in the final days of the Trump Administration violates the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).