
Does the PACT Act Affect Wild Horses?

(December 19, 2019) How does the PACT (Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture) Act affect wild horses? Does it apply to the BLM? Short answer, it doesn’t.  

Well what’s the long answer? It’s complicated and is very interesting for all of you crime junkies out there. So saddle up and let’s get started! 

The PACT Act fills loopholes created by the United States vs. Stevens Supreme Court case and a subsequent Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act, passed in 2010. 

Breaking Down the Wild Horse News from Capitol Hill - What Happened?

(December 18, 2019)... Today all eyes are focused on Congress and the impeachment vote, but yesterday they passed legislation that is the biggest threat to wild horses in a generation. On Tuesday in Congress, the House of Representatives passed two bills that will fund the federal government through September 2020.

Wild Horse Week on Capitol Hill

November 6, 2019

Wild Horse Week on Capitol Hill

Last week, AWHC joined with Animal Welfare Action (AWA) and The Cloud Foundation (TCF) for an action packed week on Capitol, lobbying key offices and holding a highly successful briefing sponsored by Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) Committee chair Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and held in the ENR Committee hearing room in the Rayburn House Office Building.

Bipartisan Members of Congress Denounce Gruesome Wild Horse Sterilization Experiments

Washington, DC (June 24, 2019) … The nation’s largest wild horse protection organization, the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) today commended Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), co-chair of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus for spearheading a bipartisan letter signed by members of Congress to Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, expressing concerns over the proposed surgical sterilization experiments


The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board will meet July 9-11 in Boise, Idaho, and October 29-31 in Washington, D.C. The Board will discuss the pressing challenges of wild horse and burro management, including the number of unadopted and unsold animals in BLM facilities and the effects of overpopulation on public lands.  

AWHC Releases Statement in Response to Cruel and Inhumane Proposal

Plan is dangerous and deadly to wild horses and costly to American taxpayers

Reno, NV. (30 May 2019) -- This week policymakers, land management specialists, horse advocates, and others gathered for the Wild Horse Summit in Reno, Nevada. The conference, known by many as the ‘Slaughter Summit’ is advancing a request backed by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association which spends millions on outdated, ineffective, and massive roundups and removals of American wild horses.

60 Stakeholders Oppose Cruel, Costly Wild Horse and Burro Round-Up Plan

Wild Horse Groups, Joined by 60 Stakeholders in Opposing Cruel, Costly Massive Wild Horse and Burro Round-Up Plan

The plan, still short on details, would cost taxpayers a billion dollars and depopulate many parts of the West of these iconic animals

64 House Members Take Stand Against CA Mustang Slaughter

Washington, DC (May 6, 2019) … The nation’s largest wild horse protection organization, the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) today commended Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) for spearheading a bipartisan sign on letter calling on the U.S.