
BREAKING: U.S. House Passes Historic Wild Horse Protection Amendment

WASHINGTON (July 23, 2020) -- The American Wild Horse Campaign today applauded the U.S. House for approving a wild horse protection amendment to H.R. 7608, the State, Foreign Operations, Agriculture, Rural Development, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act 202. The amendment was led by a strong bipartisan team of lawmakers:  U.S.

American Wild Horse Campaign Joins With Bipartisan Members to Protect Wild Horses

Advocacy groups push for House floor amendment to allocate $11 million of the current budget to PZP birth control to humanely manage wild horse and burro populations, Curbing Amount Spent on Roundups and Incarceration

AWHC Statement in Response to House Interior Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, DC (July 6, 2020) ...The House Interior Approps subcommittee rejected the President’s budget request for $15.3 million in additional funding for the Wild Horse and Burro Program. The bill also continues to prohibit the BLM and the Forest Service from slaughtering wild horses and burros. That’s the good news.

Pulling Back the Curtain on the "Path Forward" Plan, Part II: The Fertility Control Deception

(March 24, 2020) Since the release of the "Path Forward", (brought to you by the Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, Wild horse sanctuary, Return to Freedom, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, etc.) its supporters have consistently maintained that safe and humane fertility control is the core of the proposal and have downplayed the plan’s key component -- removal of up to 130,000 horses and burros from the public lands over the next 10 years.

Our Work Continues Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis

(March 17, 2020) We hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and well during this difficult time. Like you, we are doing our best to stay up to date on the evolving COVID-19 situation, and we wanted to take a moment to share with you how the latest developments are affecting our work to protect wild horses and burros.

The President's Budget: What's At Stake for Wild Horses

(February 13, 2020) This past December, Congress authorized a 25% ($21 million) increase for the Bureau of Land Management’s badly broken Wild Horse and Burro program. Now the Administration is asking Congress to approve an additional 15% ($15.3 million) budget increase for the program two months later, as the BLM prepares to massively accelerate the roundup and removal of tens of thousands of wild horses.

What’s At Stake

Despite new law, Forest Service invites ill-intent with $1 wild horse sales 

​ALTURAS, CALIF (January 8, 2020)... The nation’s leading wild horse advocacy organization, the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC), today blasted the U.S. Forest Service for its plan to begin selling off federally-protected wild horses in California for just $1 apiece beginning January 10. The horses in question were rounded up four months ago from the Devil’s Garden Wild Horse Territory in the Modoc National Forest near Alturas, CA. 

Congress Bans Forest Service from Selling Wild Horses from Slaughter

New Law Protects Wild Horses in California’s Modoc National Forest and Across the West

WASHINGTON, DC (December 19, 2019)... Today, Congress passed the Fiscal Year 2020 “minibus” spending bill that prohibits the U.S. Forest Service from destroying healthy wild horses and burros and selling them for slaughter.