What the Election Means for Wild Horses

The recent election results have reshaped the landscape for many issues, including the protection of wild horses and burros. With a power shift in the House of Representatives, the Interior Department's agenda of mass roundups, sterilization, and slaughter is unlikely to proceed. However, achieving proactive change in a divided Congress will require significant effort. Meanwhile, developments at the state level may pave the way for local change. Here are some key election results with implications for wild horses and burros.
In Colorado, Congressman Jared Polis, a strong advocate for wild horse and burro protection, was elected governor. Colorado hosts several significant wild horse herds that contribute to ecotourism. Many of these herds are managed using birth control, and we look forward to collaborating with Governor-elect Polis to ensure Colorado continues to lead in humane and sustainable wild horse management.
In Arizona, Governor Doug Ducey was re-elected. In 2016, Governor Ducey highlighted his efforts to protect "our wild horses’ right to roam free without fear of danger and harassment" as a top achievement. His support has been crucial in securing protection and humane management for the cherished Salt River wild horses. We anticipate working with Governor Ducey to maintain Arizona's leadership in recognizing the importance of protecting its wild horses and burros as state and national treasures.
In Nevada, we are eager to work with new Governor Steve Sisolak to protect and humanely manage the Virginia Range horses, who are under state jurisdiction. We believe Governor-elect Sisolak will acknowledge the strong will of his constituents to protect Nevada's wild horses as important symbols of the state and the West, advocating for sensible and humane management of these national icons.
In California, Governor-elect Gavin Newsom has a strong record of wildlife protection. He will assume office at a time when awareness of the plight of wild horses is growing in California, partly due to the U.S. Forest Service's plan to round up 1,000 horses from the Devils Garden Wild Horse Territory and sell hundreds for slaughter. We look forward to advancing wild horse protection in California, where 81 percent of residents strongly oppose horse slaughter.
Senator Dianne Feinstein's re-election in California ensures that one of our strongest advocates for horse protection and an opponent of horse slaughter will return to the U.S. Senate. We thank Senator Feinstein for opposing the Forest Service's plans to sell wild horses for slaughter and anticipate her continued leadership on wild horse issues.
Senator-elect Jackie Rosen in Nevada promises to be a strong voice for humane treatment of wild horses in a state where over half of the nation's remaining wild horses reside. We were fortunate to meet with Ms. Rosen during the campaign to brief her on wild horse issues and look forward to working with her staff to reform the federal wild horses and burro management program in Nevada and beyond.
The Arizona Senate race between Congresswomen Krysten Sinema and Martha McSally remains too close to call. However, both candidates have strong animal protection records and have defended the famed Salt River wild horses in the Tonto National Forest near Phoenix.
In the House, we look forward to working with returning congressmembers Dina Titus (D-NV), Vern Buchanan (R-FL), Peter King (R-NY), Nita Lowey (D-NY), and David Schweikert (R-AZ), who have demonstrated a commitment to animal welfare and protecting wild horses and burros.
Overall, the Midterm election opens the door to changing the grim situation faced by wild horses and burros under the current, controversial reign of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. We are ready to tackle the challenge of improving conditions for wild horses and burros in 2019 and beyond.