Roundup Report: Devil's Garden Plateau Wild Horse Territory 2024

On October 28, 2024, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) began a helicopter roundup of wild horses in the Devil’s Garden Plateau Wild Horse Territory. The USFS has contracted C.D. Warner Livestock LLC to reduce the population from 723 horses to between 206 and 402. This target range achieves the Forest Service’s unscientific Appropriate Management Level (AML) established in the agency's 2013 management plan.
AWHC is on the ground documenting on this roundup. Below are our boots on the ground reports
In January 2025, the USFS restarted the Devil's Garden wild horse roundup. Public observation is limited to two days.
January 25, 2025: No horses were captured.
January 24, 2025:
Five mares were captured today. There was extremely a limited view from the public observation point. Observers were not allowed to view the recently captured horses at temporary holing.

November 19, 2024:
Summary: No observer onsite. Location to be updated by the end of week.
Total captured today: 28 (15 stallions, 10 mares, 3 foals)
- Drive trap: 26 (14 stallions, 9 mares, 3 foals)
- Bait trap: 2 (1 stallion, 1 mare)
November 18, 2024
Summary: No observer onsite.
Total captured today: Pending USFS report.
November 17, 2024:
Summary: No observer onsite.Total captured today: 0
November 16, 2024:*According to USFS report
Summary: No observer onsite.
Total captured today: 15 (5 stallions, 6 mares, 4 foals)
November 15, 2024: report coming soon
November 14, 2024:
Summary:No roundup operations today due to high winds.
Total captured today: 0
November 13, 2024:
Weather: Extremely cold, rainy, and windy.*According to observer report
Summary: Observers saw only a thirty-foot stretch of the trap’s wings, with a fleeting view of running horses. The helicopter, visibly struggling against strong winds, will not conduct a roundup tomorrow.
Total captured today:10 (4 stallions, 4 mares, 2 foals)*According to USFS report

November 12, 2024
Weather: Extremely cold and wet.*According to observer report
Summary: Trees obscured trap visibility. As horses were being pushed towards the trap, they appeared to run along unmarked barbed wire fencing. Operations ended midday in frigid conditions; horses were no longer being captured and the trap was being deconstructed. Off-loading at the holding facility was restricted for public viewing.
Total captured today: 4 (2 stallions, 1 mare, 1 foal)*According to USFS report
Observer notes:
AWHC’s observer came across a dead filly. She reported it to the USFS and agents said it was a case of predation. However when our observer documented the carcass, she noticed nothing that indicated a lion attack. There were no apparent bites on the neck and throat and no apparent claw marks. It seems the filly had not been dragged and there was no sign of struggle. Our observer noted the filly appeared to be wet and had slight nasal discharge. She also had an obvious broken hip. She had seen this filly with a stud and a mare 2 days prior to this event alive in the valley where she discovered her deceased.
November 11, 2024: Report coming soon
November 10, 2024:
Weather: 40s°F
Summary: Today’s trap site was once again obscured from the public viewpoint. At temporary holding, the new arrivals were calling for bandmates and appeared agitated.
Total captured today: 25 (11 Stallions, 9 Mares, 5 Foals)
November 9, 2024
Weather: 40s° F *According to observer report
Summary: Due to thick tree coverage, today’s operations were completely out of view; only a small section of the trap wings were visible.
Total captured today: 16 (7 stallions, 7 mares, 2 foals)*According to USFS report
November 8, 2024
Weather: Below freezing upon arrival, warmed to the low 60s°F by midday.*According to observer report
Summary: Tree cover completely obscured the trap site from observers' view.
Total captured today: 13 (9 mares, 3 stallions, 3 foals)*According to USFS report
November 7, 2024
Summary: No observer onsite.
Total captured today: 14 (9 mares, 4 stallions, 1 foals)
1 Death.
November 6, 2024
Weather: Cold in the morning, milder later in the day.
Summary: Despite a public viewing area near the trap, dense timber obscured the site completely. Horses were only brought in during the final run, and darkness precluded observers from attending temporary holding.
Total captured today: 6 (4 mares, 2 stallions, 0 foals)
November 7, 2024
Weather: 18-41°F, sunny skies and wind.
Summary: The observation viewpoint was positioned behind the loading area, limiting visibility of the alleyway and partially obscuring the trap’s wings due to a hill. However, horse leaping over the trap’s jute and wranglers roping two horses. Temporary holding facilities, situated on private land at Goicoechea Ranch, allowed observers to tour but restricted their view of the horses, as tarps covered the corrals.
Daily total*According to BLM report
- Captured: 159 (75 Stallions, 55 Mares, and 29 Foals)
1 Death.*According to BLM report
- 8-year-old Bay stallion euthanized due to physical defect -- severe sway back.
November 5, 2024
Weather: Low 50s°F, chilled down quickly by afternoon.
Summary: The dense terrain severely obscured visibility, with observers catching only fleeting glimpses of horses being pursued. By the roundup’s end, it was too dark to document temporary holding.
Total captured today: Approximately 10 Horses

November 4, 2024
November 3, 2024
Weather: Extremely cold, wind chill.
Summary: Today's operation provided little to no visibility of the trap site, loading, transport, or short-term holding (Double Devil Corrals). At the corrals, an AWHC observer documented several stallions agitated and fighting. Another stallion was anxiously pacing and excessively crying for his bandmates.
Total captured today: Around 22 horses (at least 1 foal)
November 2, 2024
Weather: 33-44°F, mix of rain and snow.
Summary: At today's operation the trap site, loading, and transport were not visible to the public. Observers were not allowed to go to short-term holding (Double Devil Corrals). According to staff, the mares fitted with radio collars are part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research project and are expected to be returned to their original habitat upon its completion.
Total captured today: 12 (6 mares, 5 stallions, 1 foals)
November 1, 2024
Weather: 32-47°F
Summary: Today's operation provided no public observation of the trap site, loading process, or transport trailers. The horses were shipped straight to the Double Devil Corrals, where they were sorted into muddy pens.
Total captured today: 14 (6 mares, 5 stallions, 3 foals)

October 31, 2024
Weather: 32-43°F
Summary: Horses were transported directly to Double Devil Corrals, where they were once again left standing in pools of water and mud. During one run, three horses managed to evade capture (see image below).
Total captured today: 11 (4 mares, 3 stallions, 3 foals)*According to observer report

October 30, 2024
Weather: 30-50°F
Summary: At the trap site, thick tree cover concealed operations from public view. Horses were shipped directly to Double Devil Corrals, where they stood in stagnant water and mud. An AWHC observer documented one horse with a fresh eye injury and some horses with radio collars (pictured below).
Total captured today: 13 horses captured (6 mares, 5 stallions, 2 foals)*According to observer report

October 29, 2024
Weather: 22-44°F
Summary: Although close to the trap site, the area remained obstructed by trees and offered limited viewing. Captured horses were shipped directly to Double Devil Corrals for short-term holding.
Total captured today: 21 (9 stallions, 7 mares, 5 foals)*According to observer report
October 28, 2024
Weather: 27-42°F with fog, snow, rain and hail.
Summary: The trap site, concealed by surrounding trees, was barely visible from the public observation point. AWHC’s observer was able to document two horses evading capture.
Total captured today: 15 (5 studs, 5 mares, 3 foals)*According to USFS report