KTNV: Judge overturns BLM's controversial adoption incentive for wild horses

KTNV: Judge overturns BLM's controversial adoption incentive for wild horsesKTNV: Judge overturns BLM's controversial adoption incentive for wild horses

By: Tricia Kean

Posted 7:13 AM, Mar 04, 2025

Judge overturns BLM's controversial adoption incentive for wild horses

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A Colorado district court judge has overturned the controversial adoption incentive program of wild, unhandled horses and burros.

It allowed people to get paid $1,00 for the adoption of a wild horse or burros.

The judge found the program violates multiple federal laws by failing to undergo certain requirements.

The court found it was "not hard to imagine" the slaughter of wild horses could be "fairly traceable" to the Bureau of Land Management's national incentive program.

We spoke with Amelia Perrin with the American Wild Horse Conservation, calling the ruling a huge victory.

"The more that the BLM continues to round up horses, the more it continues to put these horses into holding, the dire the situation is gonna become," Perrin said. "So it's kind of a two-step. It's get the cash out of the equation and then stop rounding up these horses. There are scientific and humane ways to manage them in the wild that would alleviate the burden that they currently have of the 66,000 horses in holding. So stop the cycle and stop the cash."

We reached out to BLM for comment and to find out whether the agency plans on appealing the court ruling.

We were told it doesn't have a comment at this time.

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