AWHC Defends Wild Horses in Court Against Rancher Attacks

American Wild Horse Conservation (formerly American Wild Horse Campaign) is at the forefront of defending wild horses in court against rancher lawsuits. These legal battles are crucial in ensuring the protection of wild horses on public lands. Here, we delve into two significant cases where AWHC has intervened to safeguard these majestic creatures.
Beaver County Utah Intervention Litigation
On February 6, 2017, Beaver County, Utah, filed a complaint to compel the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to remove all excess wild horses from the Sulphur Herd Management Area (HMA). This action aimed to reduce competition for resources and maintain ranchers' access to public lands for grazing livestock.
On March 28, 2017, AWHC, alongside Return to Freedom, The Cloud Foundation, and Steve Paige, represented by Eubanks & Associates, filed a Motion to Intervene to protect wild horses on the range. The court granted our intervention on October 17, 2018, officially making us a part of this case.
The Status of the Case Today
The court decided to separate the claims, addressing the County’s unreasonable delay claim first. We are currently in the discovery phase, with both sides working on producing documents. Any delay benefits us, as it allows the horses to remain on the range longer. We will keep you updated as this case progresses.
Devils Garden Intervention Litigation
Beginning in 2018, livestock permittees in Devil’s Garden Wild Horse Territory in the Modoc National Forest filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Forest Service. They sought the immediate removal of over 2,000 wild horses, reducing the population to between 206-402, while authorizing extensive grazing for cattle and sheep.
AWHC, in collaboration with the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Ms. Bowers, filed a motion to intervene, aiming to defend the wild horse herd and prevent an unfair agreement with ranchers. Despite proposing a humane fertility control project, the Forest Service rejected our offer.
The Status of the Case Today
In August 2019, the court granted our motion to intervene. The case is expected to be fully briefed by the end of 2020. You can view all the current legal documents here. We will provide updates as the case develops.
Past Intervention Litigation Win
Brieanah Schwartz is Policy Counsel for the American Wild Horse Conservation (formerly American Wild Horse Campaign). She holds a J.D. from the University of Maryland and is barred in the District of Columbia. Brieanah advances AWHC’s position before Congress and assists with litigation. A passionate advocate for wild horses, she self-published a book on Cumberland Island wild horses. She resides in Washington, D.C., with her horse, Eire, and other pets.