
Feds’ Utah horse sterilizations draw two lawsuits alleging inhumane treatment

By Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune

December 12, 2020

Two separate lawsuits were filed Thursday over a wild horse roundup in Utah, alleging the Bureau of Land Management’s plan to surgically sterilize some of the mares is inhumane, unnecessary and a violation of federal law.

Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) Loses Second Lawsuit Against the Salt River Wild Horses

United States Forest Service’s Motion to Dismiss was Granted by Federal Court with Prejudice  


Wild Horse and Environmental Groups File Notice of Appeal to Challenge Court Decision Allowing Largest-Ever Eradication of Wild Horses.

Wild Horse and Environmental Groups File Notice of Appeal to Challenge Court Decision Allowing Largest-Ever Eradication of Wild Horses.




Legal Letter: Halt the McCullough Peaks Roundup

On Friday, January 26 2024, American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) sent a legal letter to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with an urgent appeal to halt the ongoing McCullough Peaks bait trap Roundup. This roundup, which began November 1, 2023 and is set to run through March, 2024, sparks major concerns for the genetic diversity of the herds, their population numbers, and the impact of a winter gather on foals and elders.

Jan 2024 Important Litigation Update

We often get asked, why don’t you sue? And the answer is, we do!  


Major Legal Win for Salt River Wild Horse Protection

Tonto National Forest Successfully Defends Humane Treatment of Wild Horses While Apache Sitgreaves National Forest Blatantly Disregards It 

Groups File Lawsuit Over Government Plan to Eradicate One-Third of Wyoming’s Wild Horse Population 

Bureau of Land Management plan amendment “zeroes out” the Salt Wells Creek and Great Divide Basin Herd Management Areas in Wyoming Checkerboard, while slashing the size of protected habitat in Adobe Town