AWHC in the news

‘Defiant Five’ win temporary freedom in Wyoming wild horse roundup

By Angus M. Thuermer, Jr., Post Register

October 23, 2021

SUPERIOR, Wyo. — Their manes and tails flying in the air, the wild horses trot, canter and gallop ahead of the buzzing, weaving helicopter.

The band of five dodges and jukes as the helicopter darts to and fro trying to drive them toward two hundred-yard long jute fences set in a “V.” At the V’s far end stands the trap corral where their freedom to roam, and impact, the range would end.

Federal contraceptive program to control US wild horse numbers a step closer

By Horse Talk NZ

October 23, 2021

Federal lawmakers are on track to dedicate funding in the next financial year for a humane fertility control program for wild horses.

On Monday, the US Senate Appropriations Committee included critical directives in the Interior appropriations bill, which will cover the next fiscal year, for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to administer reversible fertility control vaccines to wild horses.

In July, House appropriators likewise set aside significant funding to scale up the use of fertility control vaccines.

Federal contraceptive program to control US wild horse numbers a step closer

Horse Talk NZ

October 23, 2021

Federal lawmakers are on track to dedicate funding in the next financial year for a humane fertility control program for wild horses.

On Monday, the US Senate Appropriations Committee included critical directives in the Interior appropriations bill, which will cover the next fiscal year, for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to administer reversible fertility control vaccines to wild horses.

In July, House appropriators likewise set aside significant funding to scale up the use of fertility control vaccines.

The BLM is in process of rounding up about half of the state's wild horses in Sweetwater County

By Kamila Kudelska, Wyoming Public Radio

October 21, 2021

Former President Donald Trump announced a goal to decrease the amount of western wild horses by the end of the fiscal year 2022. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is following this plan by capturing roughly 4,300 wild horses living in southwestern Wyoming.

Record wild horse roundup is latest development in yearslong resource dispute

By Nicole Pollack, Casper Star Tribune

October 18, 2021

Nearly two weeks into a wild horse roundup that will continue for months, the Bureau of Land Management has gathered a tiny fraction of the animals it plans to remove from Wyoming public lands.

Of the roughly 4,300 horses the BLM expects to capture, approximately 3,500 will not be returned to the range. The agency began operations on Oct. 7 and had gathered 285 — 138 mares, 63 foals and 84 stallions — as of Sunday. Four fatalities were recorded during that period.

Where did the wild horses removed from Sand Wash Basin go? A Colorado state prison.

By Jennifer Brown, The Colorado Sun

October 15, 2021

CAÑON CITY — Hundreds of horses, noses to the dusty ground, nibbled on alfalfa hay spread in thin rows across a wide pasture.  

In one direction, the Wet Mountains jutted toward a bluebird sky. On the other, guard towers and tops of Colorado state penitentiary buildings, some encircled with loops of razor-tipped wire, loomed above the landscape. 

Wild horse advocates cry foul on enormous roundup, removal

By Angus M. Thuermer Jr., Casper Star Tribune

October 10, 2021

Federal contract wranglers plan to round up 4,300 wild horses in southwest Wyoming — permanently removing about 70% of them — in an undertaking that culminates years of conflicts among land and wildlife managers, ranchers and horse advocates.

Wild horse advocates cry foul on cusp of enormous roundup, removal

By Angus M. Thuermer, Jr., WyoFile

October 5, 2021

Federal contract wranglers plan to round up 4,300 wild horses in southwest Wyoming — permanently removing about 70% of them — starting Thursday in an undertaking that culminates years of conflicts among land and wildlife managers, ranchers and horse advocates.

Group aims to slash wild horse and burro population by 75%

By Dana Gentry, Nevada Current

October 4, 2021

A coalition with an environmentally-friendly name is fronting for ranching and hunting interests out to accelerate the capture and confinement of Nevada’s wild horses and burros, according to critics. 

Groups frustrated with BLM management of horses

By Leo Wolfson Cody Enterprise, Wyoming News Exchange, Gillette News Record

September 26, 2021

CODY — When it comes to wild horses and burros, their advocates and opponents mostly agree on one thing: neither is satisfied with the BLM’s management of the species.

As of 2015, 220,000 horses and burros had been adopted since the inception of the program.