Twin Peaks Wild Horse & Burro Roundup Report

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently conducted a roundup of wild horses and burros in the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area (HMA), spanning Lassen County, CA, and Washoe County, NV. Covering 758,128 acres, this operation aimed to manage the population to meet the BLM's appropriate management levels (AML).
Roundup Overview
Using helicopters, the BLM planned to capture 800 horses, removing 728 and releasing 72, with 30 treated with the fertility control drug GonaCon. The operation targeted a 62% reduction in herd size based on the September 2022 survey. For burros, the goal was to trap and remove 143, aiming for a 67% reduction.
Post-Roundup Summary
From October 1 to October 11, 2024, the roundup concluded with several animal welfare concerns. Issues included overcrowded traps and safety lapses, such as nine horses falling from a moving trailer.
Contractor and Holding Details
Contractor: Cattoor Livestock Roundup, Inc. ($201,839)
Temporary Holding: Horn Ranch
Short Term Holding: Litchfield Wild Horse and Burro Corrals, CA
Final Totals
- Captured: 960 (343 stallions, 434 mares, 172 foals, 10 mules, 1 burro)
- Shipped: 906 (307 stallions, 426 mares, 173 foals)
- Released: 50 (38 stallions, 10 mules, 1 burro)
Herd Reduction: 50%
Deaths: 4
Daily Reports
October 11, 2024
Summary: An AWHC observer noted a hastily constructed trap, leading to overcrowding. A stallion stayed near the trap, calling to his family as they were loaded. A mare was stuck on a panel for 30 minutes but was reportedly unharmed.
- Captured: 102 (32 stallions, 50 mares, 9 foals, 10 mules, 1 burro)
- Shipped: 91 (32 stallions, 50 mares, 9 foals)
- Released: 11 (10 mules, 1 burro)
Mare stuck on trap panel for over thirty minutes.
October 10, 2024
Summary: Observers faced challenges documenting the roundup due to distance. A helicopter used sirens to push horses, and one horse managed to escape.
- Captured: 127 (42 stallions, 57 mares, 28 foals)
- Shipped: 127 (42 stallions, 57 mares, 28 foals)
October 9, 2024
Summary: Despite limited visibility, an observer captured footage of 38 stallions being released. A new trap site was scheduled for the next day.
- Released: 38 stallions into the North Observation home range of the HMA.
October 8, 2024
Summary: Observers had no visibility of the trap site.
- Captured: 110 (39 stallions, 49 mares, 22 foals)
- Shipped: 110 (39 stallions, 49 mares, 22 foals)
October 7, 2024
Summary: Observers had limited views due to terrain and heat. A mare fatally broke her neck running into a panel.
- Captured: 114 (45 stallions, 43 mares, 26 foals)
- Shipped: 113 (45 stallions, 42 mares, 26 foals)
Deaths: 1
- Three-year-old mare suffered a broken neck.
October 6, 2024
Summary: The roundup focused on horses outside the HMA's boundaries. Observers noted significant fencing in the area.
- Captured: 177 (49 stallions, 46 mares, 22 foals)
- Shipped: 166 (56 stallions, 73 mares, 37 foals)
October 5, 2024
Summary: Operations proceeded smoothly in the Observation North home range.
- Captured: 38 (8 stallions, 22 mares, 8 foals)
- Shipped: 64 (31 stallions, 33 mares)
Deaths: 1
- Mare over 20 years old with a bleeding injury was euthanized.
October 4, 2024
Summary: A stallion escaped the trap, nearly landing on a wrangler. A lone foal was noted, and operations ended early due to wind.
- Captured: 92 (37 stallions, 41 mares, 14 foals)
- Shipped: 140 (31 stallions, 67 mares, 42 foals)
October 3, 2024
Summary: Several horses attempted to escape the trap. A trailer door swung open, causing nine horses to fall out.
- Captured: 177 (60 stallions, 83 mares, 34 foals)
- Shipped: 31 mares
- Released: 1 stallion
Deaths: 2
- 5-year-old mare, blind in right eye, euthanized.
- 18-year-old mare, blind in right eye, euthanized.
October 2, 2024
Summary: The roundup site had several fences, and horses were pushed along them. Stallions were fighting in the trap.
- Captured: 37 (14 stallions, 22 mares, 1 foal)
- Shipped: 29 (18 stallions, 11 mares)
October 1, 2024
Weather: Warm & slightly breezy.
Summary: Horses were pushed along a barbed wire fence, with one attempting to escape the trap.
- Captured: 46 (17 stallions, 21 mares, 8 foals)
- Shipped: 35 (10 stallions, 17 mares, 8 foals)
Last updated October '24