Team AWHC on Nevada Newsmakers

Team AWHC on Nevada NewsmakersTeam AWHC on Nevada Newsmakers

A few weeks ago, AWHC’s Nevada team was invited to be guests on Nevada Newsmakers, a show hosted by longtime Nevada-based political commentator Sam Shad. 

As anyone who follows AWHC knows, Nevada is the epicenter of all the conflict surrounding wild horses across the West. From access to water to fencing regulations and fertility control, plus the challenges of working with government entities, every issue that affects wild horses happens in our backyard. 

So last week, I (Tracy) and our conversation scientist Nicole Hayes, along with Kris Thompson, Business Development and Transaction Specialist, Lance Gilman Commercial Real Estate Services and formerly the Project Manager at Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (and a big advocate for horses), joined Mr. Shad for a ~30 minute conversation about some of the issues we face every day. 

A few of the issues we touched on include one that anyone who follows AWHC knows: Wild horses are a beloved symbol of Nevada, and Nevada is home to more than half the wild horses in the Western U.S. The popularity of wild horses spans the political spectrum, and polling shows that 86% of Nevadans believe wild horses are a “defining symbol” of the state and want horses protected. 

We also discussed AWHC’s work with fertility control, work done under cooperative agreements with the Bureau of Land Management and with the Nevada Department of Agriculture. Our program in Nevada is  conducted at no cost to taxpayers, unlike round-ups and “storage” which require tens of millions of taxpayer dollars. 

AWHC’s human fertility control model, by the way, has been proven successful by peer-reviewed and published science. We were grateful to have the opportunity to join Mr. Shad for an important discussion about these animals we all care so much about. Please give the show and look and let us know your thoughts.

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