Speak Up for Reno's Wild Horses!

Speak Up for Reno's Wild Horses!Speak Up for Reno's Wild Horses!

Reno's wild horses are facing a critical challenge as a housing developer has erected fencing that blocks their access to essential water sources in the Damonte Ranch area. This action has been taken without the necessary approvals for development plans, putting our wildlife at risk.

There are humane compromises available that would preserve access for all wildlife while allowing the landowner to proceed with development once the required approvals are in place. It is imperative that the fencing is opened immediately until a compromise solution is reached.

One effective way to protect wildlife amidst growing developments is to prioritize the South Reno fencing project. This is a significant community concern, and local residents are advocating for fencing that protects both the horses and the community.

I urge you, the City Council, to fund the South Reno Fencing Project.

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