Roundup Report: Marietta Wild Horse & Burro Roundup

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) commenced a wild horse and burro roundup in the Marietta Herd Management Area (HMA) on August 20, 2024. Spanning over 66,045 acres in Nevada, the operation aims to capture 87 horses and 652 burros using helicopters. This effort targets an aggressive, unscientific appropriate management level (AML) of 0 horses and 78-104 burros. A 2022 BLM survey estimated populations at 38 horses and 556 burros, indicating a significant reduction goal.
Post Roundup Summary
Aug 20, 2024 - Aug 24, 2024
During the roundup, observers faced consistent restrictions on visibility and were unable to see the actual trap. High temperatures raised concerns about animal welfare, and a significant number of foals were captured and shipped.
Contractor: Cattoor Livestock Roundup, Inc. Paid $140,125.
Short term holding (STH)
- Horses: Palomino Valley Off-Range Corrals
- Burros: Axtell Off-Range Corrals
Final totals*According to BLM report
- Captured: 321
- 25 Wild Horses (6 Stallions, 14 Mares, and 5 Foals)—under BLM target.
- 296 Wild Burros (110 Jacks, 121 Jennies, and 65 Foals)—over BLM target.
- Shipped: 317
- 21 Wild Horses (5 Stallions, 11 Mares, and 5 Foals)
- 296 Wild Burros (110 Jacks, 121 Jennies, and 65 Foals)
Herd reduction*According to BLM's estimated population
- 68% (Horses)
- 76% (Burros)
4 Deaths.*According to BLM report
- Three of the four deaths occurred on the first day of operations, all mares and all due to poor body condition (BCS 1).
AWHC is on the ground. Read our reports below
August 24, 2024: Final day of operations.
Total shipped today: 44 (44 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)*According to BLM report
August 23, 2024
Weather: 55°F-84°F
Total shipped today: 124 (66 Jacks, 37 Jennies and 21 Foals)*According to BLM report
August 22, 2024
Weather: 50s°- 90s°F, the heat raised concerns about animal welfare.
Summary: Final day of roundups. Observers had no visibility of the trap site; one run was—barely—discernible in the far distance. The public was declined a tour of the trap and could only view the burros loaded in livestock trucks and temporary holding.
Daily total*According to BLM report
- Captured: 87 (27 Jacks, 38 Jennies and 22 Foals)
- Shipped: 128 (0 Jacks, 84 Jennies and 44 Foals)
Observer view of roundup.
Burros in holding.
August 21, 2024
Weather: 50s°- 90°F
Summary: Placed behind a hill, the trap was completely hidden from observers. The day appeared to go smoothly. A pronounced number of young burros and foals were captured. Holding facility loading was not visible.
Daily total*According to BLM report
- Captured: 210 (84 Jacks, 83 Jennies and 43 Foals)
- Shipped: 21 (5 Stallions, 11 Mares, and 5 Foals)
1 Death. *According to BLM report
- 13-year-old, Gray stallion euthanized due to severe lameness—right front leg.
Amidst clouds of dust, large burro groups, including many foals, being pushed to the trap.
August 20, 2024
Weather: 48° to 85°F
Summary: Positioned behind a hill, observers could only glimpse the tip of one wing. The first run of the day pushed a small group, including a lagging foal unable to keep pace. During the third run, the helicopter targeted another small group, also with a foal, that managed to briefly evade the trap. The pilot pursued them for at least 45 minutes. A wrangler eventually roped in one horse and ceased the chase. No burros were pursued today.
Total captured today: 25 (6 Stallions, 14 Mares, and 5 Foals)*According to BLM report
3 Deaths.*According to BLM reports
- 20-plus-year-old, Bay mare euthanized due to poor body condition (BCS 1)
- 18-year-old, Bay mare euthanized due to poor body condition (BCS 1)
- 15-year-old, Bay mare euthanized due to poor body condition (BCS 1)
Foal running with small band.
Foal nursing in holding.
Protracted roping.
Foal struggling to keep pace with the group.
Last updated September, 2024