Roundup Report: Buffalo Hills Herd Management Area

On November 15, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) initiated a helicopter roundup of wild horses in Nevada's Buffalo Hills Herd Management Area (HMA). Rocking A Livestock, Inc., a private contractor, was hired to capture 235 wild horses and 33 burros. All burros are slated for permanent removal, while 203 horses will be returned to the range, including 100 mares treated with the fertility control drug GonaCon. The operation will eliminate the burro population and bring the wild horse population with the BLM’s unscientific Appropriate Management Level of 188-304 wild horses.
AWHC is on the ground at this roundup
The roundup concluded on November 23, 2024. An onsite observer for the AWHC reported a high number of roping incidents and pursuits. Many runs involved a seemingly excessive number of wranglers targeting lone horses and mother-foal pairs. Public access to temporary holding facilities is restricted.
Contractor: Rocking A. Livestock Inc.. Paid $171,490.
Short-term holding (STH): Palomino Valley Off-Range Corrals (PVC)
Final totals*According to BLM report
- Captured: 171some text
- Horses: 138 (53 Stallions, 67 Mares, and 18 Foals)
- Burros: 33 (5 Jacks, 21 Jennies, and 7 Foals)
- Shipped: 65some text
- Horses: 32 (5 Stallions, 9 Mares, and 18 Foals)
- Burros: 33 (5 Jacks, 21 Jennies, and 7 Foals)
- Treated with fertility control (GonaCon Equine): 57 mares
- Released: 50 (45 Stallions, 5 Mare, and 0 Foals) *Remaining mares awaiting second booster and release in 30 days.
4 Deaths.*According to BLM report
- The BLM has not disclosed any causes of deaths (COD)
November 23, 2024
Summary: No onsite observer.
Total shipped today: 17 (5 Stallions, 7 Mares, and 5 Foals) *According to BLM report
November 22, 2024: Summary: No onsite observer.
Total released today: 45 (45 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)*According to BLM report
November 21, 2024:
Summary: No onsite observer.
Total captured today: 13 (4 Stallions, 7 Mares, 2 Foals) *According to BLM report
November 20, 2024:
Weather: Around 40°F*According to observer report
Summary: Of the nine horses captured today, three were roped. According to the onsite observer, the helicopter pilot made no effort to drive the horses into the trap wings. Six wranglers were seen “swarming” a mare and her foal before capturing them, then pursuing a lone stallion along a fenceline—a potential hazard—for capture. The observer remarked the roping as excessive, given that the stallions are scheduled for release back into the HMA. Temporary holding was restricted for public viewing.
Daily total*According to BLM report
- Captured: 9 (1 Stallions, 6 Mares, 2 Foals)
- Shipped: 15 (0 Stallions, 2 Mares, and 13 Foals)
1 Death. Cause of death unreported.

November 19, 2024:
Weather: 30s°F*According to observer report
Summary: Over the course of eight hours and three runs, helicopters pushed horses down Surprise Valley Road into the trap. Observers had no access to temporary holding.
Total captured today: 20 (8 Stallions, 12 Mares, 0 Foals)*According to BLM report
1 Death.*According to BLM report
- Cause of death unreported.

November 18, 2024
Weather: 30s° to low 40s°F*According to observer report
Summary: Observers reported no significant events.
Total captured today: 30 11 Stallions, 15 Mares, 4 Foals) *According to BLM report
1 Death.
- Cause of death unreported.

November 17, 2024:
Weather: 30-60s°F *According to observer report
Summary: Today’s roundup appeared to have some difficulty capturing resistant horses; several horses evaded the trap, many ultimately roped. A young mare was roped by four wranglers, but attempts to wrangle a stallion and other horses were unsuccessful. Several other groups refused to enter the trap wings, and the helicopter ultimately abandoned the effort.
Total captured today: 21 (7 Stallions, 13 Mares, 1 Foals)*According to BLM report
1 Death.*According to BLM report
- No cause of death was reported.

November 16, 2024:
Weather: Around 32°F*According to observer report
Summary: Despite limited visibility of the trap site, an AWHC observer reported a stallion had initially evaded capture but was later trapped.
Total captured today: 45 (22 Stallions, 15 Mares, 8 Foals)*According to BLM report

November 15, 2024:
Weather: Low 30s° to low 40s°F*According to observer report
Summary: The trap was placed on private property, restricting public observation. From a designated viewpoint, an AWHC observer reported a jenny and her foal had been separated from their band. After the band was captured, the helicopter returned with seven wranglers to rope and capture the pair (see images below).
Burros were shipped directly to short-term holding at Palmonino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Center.
Daily total*According to BLM report
- Captured: 33 (5 Jacks, 21 Jennies, 7 Foals)
- Shipped: 33 (5 Jacks, 21 Jennies, 7 Foals)