Legal Naco Appeal: Government's Answering Brief

Naco Appeal: Government's Answering BriefNaco Appeal: Government's Answering Brief

The legal battle over the protection of wild horses continues as the government submits its answering brief in the Naco appeal. This case is a significant moment in the ongoing efforts to safeguard these majestic animals on public lands.

American Wild Horse Conservation (formerly American Wild Horse Campaign) has been at the forefront of this legal challenge, advocating for the humane treatment and in-the-wild protection of wild horses and burros. The organization's commitment to preserving these animals' natural habitats is unwavering, as they work tirelessly to ensure their survival for future generations.

The Naco appeal represents a critical juncture in this fight, with the government's brief outlining their position on the management and protection of wild horse populations. As the case progresses, it will undoubtedly shape the future of wild horse conservation efforts across the nation.

Stay informed and engaged with American Wild Horse Conservation as they continue to champion the cause of wild horses and burros, ensuring that these iconic symbols of the American West remain free and thriving on our public lands.

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