Interior Secretary Zinke to Testify Before Senate on June 21: Oppose Mustang Slaughter

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is set to testify before the Senate on June 21, discussing a proposal that could lead to the slaughter of thousands of wild horses and burros. This testimony is crucial as it could determine the fate of these iconic animals.
The Senators on the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee will play a key role in deciding whether as many as 92,000 wild horses and burros will face slaughter, reducing their populations to near-extinction levels. On Wednesday, June 21, Secretary Zinke will defend his Fiscal Year 2018 budget, which includes lifting the ban on destroying healthy wild horses and burros and selling them for slaughter.
These Senators need to hear from you today!
What to Say
"Hi, I'm calling from [your town] to ask Senator [Name] to oppose the Interior Department's FY 2018 budget request to lift the ban on slaughtering America's wild horses and burros. These animals should be humanely managed with birth control, not slaughter. Secretary Zinke is coming before the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee this week, and I hope the Senator will let him know in the strongest terms that he/she opposes the mass slaughter of America's mustangs and burros. Thank you very much."
Who to Call
If you live in Alaska: Senator Lisa Murkowski
Washington, DC 202-224-6665
Anchorage: 907-271-3735
Fairbanks: 907-456-0233
Send a personal message: CLICK HERE
If you live in California: Senator Dianne Feinstein
Washington, DC 202-224-3841
San Francisco: 415-393-0707
Los Angeles: 310-914-7300
Send a personal message: CLICK HERE
If you live in Maryland: Senator Chris Van Hollen
Washington, DC 202-224-4654
Baltimore: (667) 212-4610
Send a personal message: CLICK HERE
If you live in Montana: Senator Jon Tester
Washington, DC 202-224-2644
Billings: (406) 252-0550
Send a personal message: CLICK HERE
If you live in New Mexico: Senator Tom Udall OR the Committee on Appropriations at (202) 224-7257.
Washington, DC 202-224-6621
Albuquerque: 505-346-6791
Santa Fe: 505-988-6511
Send a personal message: CLICK HERE
If you live in Oregon: Senator Jeff Merkley
Washington, DC 202-224-3753
Portland: 503-326-3386
Send a personal message: CLICK HERE
If you live in Rhode Island: Senator Jack Reed
Washington, DC 202-224-4642
Providence: 401-528-5200
Send a personal message: CLICK HERE
If you live in Vermont: Senator Pat Leahy
Washington, DC 202-224-4242
Burlington: 802-863-2525
Send a personal message: CLICK HERE
All others, please call the chair and ranking member of the subcommittee. Even though you are not their constituents, you can let them know that our wild horses and burros and the public lands they live on belong to all Americans, and all Americans should have a say in how they are managed.
Senator Lisa Murkowski 202-224-6665, chair of the Subcommittee
Senator Tom Udall: 202-224-6621, ranking member of the Subcommittee
Send Senators Murkowski and Udall a fax: CLICK HERE