Governor Signs Bill Protecting Salt River Wild Horses

Governor Signs Bill to Safeguard Salt River Wild HorsesGovernor Signs Bill to Safeguard Salt River Wild Horses

On May 11, 2016, a significant step was taken to protect the wild horses of Arizona's Salt River. Governor Doug Ducey signed a bill that aims to safeguard these majestic creatures from harm. This legislation, proposed by Rep. Kelly Townsend, R-Mesa, marks a pivotal moment in the conservation efforts for these iconic animals.

The new law makes it illegal to harass, shoot, kill, or slaughter any horse that is part of the Salt River herd. However, the full implementation of these protections is contingent upon an agreement between the Arizona Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Forest Service, which must be reached by the end of the following year.

Governor Ducey emphasized the importance of these horses, stating, “The Salt River horses are beautiful, majestic, and a treasure to our state. Since last summer, we have worked to protect them and their ability to roam free.”

This legislative move was prompted by a previous plan from the U.S. Forest Service to remove the horses, a decision that was reversed due to public pressure. Rep. Townsend described the agreement as a compromise that effectively shields the horses from harassment and abuse.

For more details, you can read the original article on the Washington Times website.

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