Governor Jared Polis Proclaims March as Horse Protection Month in Colorado

Governor Jared Polis Proclaims March as Horse Protection Month in Colorado
Reaffirms the State’s Commitment to Keeping Wild Horses Wild as Bill to Extend Wild Horse Protections is Introduced in Colorado’s House
(DENVER, Colo, Feb. 27) – Just days before National Horse Protection Day on March 1, Colorado Governor Jared Polis will proclaim March as Colorado Horse Protection Month tomorrow at an American Wild Horse Conservation event at Colorado’s Capitol. This designation will make Colorado the first state in the nation with this month-long recognition for wild horses. The proclamation affirms that wild horses are a protected cultural symbol of the state of Colorado and builds upon policy reforms already enacted in Colorado.
The recognition comes amid controversial wild horse helicopter roundups in recent years – even when Colorado’s Governor Jared Polis pleaded with the federal Bureau of Land Management to halt the helicopters — as well as a deadly equine flu outbreak at a Cañon City federal holding facility in 2022 that killed 145 wild horses. Since this time, Colorado quickly shepherded new, innovative models in protecting and preserving the ability for wild horses to stay wild through bipartisan policy reforms.
In 2023, under the leadership of House Majority Leader Monica Duran, Colorado lawmakers passed a bill (SB23-275) to create the Colorado Wild Horse Working Group as well as invest in funding and resources in fertility control and darters with the long-term goal to lessen the need for helicopter roundups altogether.
This week, Rep. Duran introduced HB25-1283, “Wild Horse Project Management & Immunocontraception,“ which builds upon SB23-275. It will permanently create the Wild Horse program within the Colorado Department of Agriculture (DOA), extend the utilization of funds and continue the work of the working group by establishing a Wild Horse Advisory Committee within the DOA with a continued focus on fertility control.
“I’m eager to continue the work of the Colorado Wild Horse Working Group through this new piece of legislation and encourage my colleagues to join me. With our Governor proclaiming March as Horse Protection Month throughout Colorado – it’s clear Colorado is recognizing the beauty and history these animals bring to our state and our policies should reflect that,” said House Majority Leader Monica Duran.
The need for wild horse protections are greater today than ever before. Currently, more wild horses are confined in government holding pens than exist in the wild — a shocking and unacceptable reality. The U.S. government is spending over $150 million taxpayer dollars on inhumane roundups that have led to the suffering and deaths of countless wild horses and burros. Western states, particularly, face challenges in finding balance with the BLM’s approach to wild horses.
And, despite Colorado’s demonstrated progress and momentum to protect wild horses, helicopter roundups still take place even on Colorado’s Herd Management Areas. AWHC is leading a petition to halt the helicopters as part of National Horse Protection Day activity.
“We are thrilled to see Colorado proclaim March as horse protection month, and hope that other states will follow suit in recognizing the freedom, energy and spirit that wild horses embody in the ten Western states they call home.
“We are delighted to honor Gov. Polis with our organization’s annual ‘Freedom Award’ and to recognize House Majority Leader Monica Duran’s leadership with our ‘Wild Horse Annie Award.’ Their leadership and commitment to keep wild horses wild in Colorado is pioneering a new, collaborative model for cost-effective and humane conservation,” said AWHC Executive Director Suzanne Roy.
Photos of Colorado Wild Horses can be found here (higher resolution available upon request)
Credit: Scott Wilson, PhotoAdvocacy