Feeding Wild Horses Can Cost Them Their Freedom

The Hidden Dangers of Feeding Wild HorsesThe Hidden Dangers of Feeding Wild Horses

Feeding and watering wild horses, although seemingly harmless, can have dire consequences for these majestic creatures. Often, these horses become 'nuisance' animals, similar to 'nuisance' bears, especially in residential areas near busy streets and highways. This behavior can lead to tragic accidents, as horses lose their natural fear of cars and traffic.

Ultimately, the fate of these horses is grim. Those that survive such encounters may lose their wild and free nature. To combat this issue, Nevada has enacted a new, expanded statute aimed at preventing the feeding of wild horses.

Previously, the law prohibited feeding estray or feral livestock, including wild horses, but offenders only received a warning. However, during the 2013 Nevada Legislative Session, a new statute was passed. It states that after an initial warning, a second violation results in a gross misdemeanor, and a third offense could lead to jail time.

While watering horses is not illegal, it can be equally harmful. Homeowners who have fed or watered horses often find these 'wild pets' becoming aggressive towards their own horses and even humans. As a result, these 'neighborhood' wild horses are often removed.

Last fall, a family group of horses was frequently seen in the streets and lawns of Mark Twain Estates, Lyon County. Dorothy Nylen, President of the Wild Horse Preservation League, recounted, "One day, I saw them grazing in someone’s yard. The homeowners were casually sitting close to them in folding chairs."

She continued, "When I suggested this could be dangerous, the woman informed me she knew horses really well, wasn’t hurting the horses, and the horses weren’t bothering them." Shortly after, two stallions in the group began fighting, but fortunately, the people nearby were unharmed. In November 2012, the Nevada Department of Agriculture removed most of that band.

Originally Posted By Reno Gazette Journal

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