Eye Witness Report: BLM Wild Horse and Burros Adoption Event in Temecula, CA

By Megan Burns, AWHC investigations volunteer and Volunteer Ambassador
On March 25, 2023, I attended a BLM Wild Horse and Burro Adoption event in Temecula, CA. The event coincided with a 'Backcountry Horseman' three-day event. I arrived early at 8 am and left around noon. The horses and burros were calm, eating hay off the ground. They had arrived the day before and were available for viewing. Surprisingly, there were few people at the pens, even with the adjoining event. A lady next to me commented, “They are much calmer today than they were yesterday!”
There were 18 wild horses and 14 burros available. All burros were from California’s Chemehuevi Herd Management Area (HMA). The wild horses were from California and Nevada. The mares were from Centennial HMA, and the geldings were from High Rock, Fox Hog, and Twin Peaks HMA. They were separated into six pens, each with 4-5 animals, except for the 10 burro geldings, all in the same pen. All burros were yearlings, and the horses were 2-4 years old.
A couple of horses were curious, approaching the gate and allowing petting. Two sorrel geldings were very bonded, standing together the entire time.
The burros showed little interest in human interaction, keeping their distance. Overall, the animals appeared in good condition. I noticed one gelding with a runny nose and some with diarrhea.
Most burros had dried manure on their hind legs, as did some horses. I observed one mare passing watery stool, likely due to stress from being trailered for over three hours and being in an unfamiliar environment.
In one pen, the mesh screen was pulled down, and some horses were chewing on it. After the auction, a BLM employee fixed it. The BLM staff were friendly and answered questions. I overheard a woman asking about burros and their uses. A BLM employee mentioned using them to break his colt.
The live auction started shortly after 9 am and concluded quickly. A few more people arrived, but only four had bidding cards. All jennies were sale authority and sold immediately. Five gelding burros sold. Most horses were sale authority, but only three were adopted while I was there. After the auction, remaining horses and burros were available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis until the following day at noon. Afterward, they would be returned to the Ridgecrest holding facility.