Equus Film Festival Faces Backlash Over Pro-Slaughter Sponsorship
October 28, 2016
The horse advocacy world is reacting with shock at the news that the Equus Film Festival has named Protect the Harvest, an industry group that promotes wild horse roundups and horse slaughter, as its title sponsor for its annual event, which will take place in New York City on November 17-20, 2016.
According to its website, this festival aspires to honor “the diverse and creative efforts of those who artistically pay homage to the horse…. Raising awareness, discussion and possibly even social change…”
This year, the Equus Film Festival has chosen to pay homage to the horse by giving a platform to an organization whose mission is to restore the brutal practice of horse slaughter in the U.S. The choice is as inexplicable as the festival’s explanations are unsatisfying.
As the non-profit horse rescue organization, Hanaeleh states, “Equus’ level of betrayal to the horse community cannot be understated.” The festival’s decision to accept funding from Protect the Harvest is a slap in the face to anyone and everyone working hard to protect horses, both domestic and wild, from abuse and slaughter.
Last year, American Wild Horse Conservation (formerly American Wild Horse Campaign) participated in this festival by attending a panel discussion on the wild horse issue. This year, we’ll be boycotting and we urge anyone who truly honors and respects horses to do the same.