Coalition for Wild Horse Advocacy

Politicians too often dismiss this issue as "emotional," simply because the American public deeply cares; this seems contrary to democratic principles.
Special interest groups do not hold a monopoly over sound public policy. The American public has enough common sense to see that scientific data, ethics, and fiscal responsibility all fall squarely on the side of America's wild horses.
Wild horse advocacy is considered one of the most efficient grassroots movements in the nation. This was confirmed in 2006 by several Members of Congress polled by the Institute for a Democratic Future, who called the American Wild Horse Conservation (formerly American Wild Horse Campaign) to congratulate wild horse advocates on their grassroots efforts. We thank our coalition partners, who endorse our mission and join us in advancing our goals on behalf of America's wild horses and burros.
- American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
- America's Wild Horse Advocates (AWHA)- Spring Mountain Alliance
- Animal Law Coalition
- Animal Welfare Institute (AWI)
- The Animals Voice
- Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary
- Center for Animal Protection and Education
- Central Oregon Wild Horse Coalition
- Children 4 Horses
- Cimarron Sky-Dog Reserve, Wild Horse Sanctuary
- The Cloud Foundation
- Corolla Wild Horse Fund
- DreamCatcher Wild Horse and Burro Sanctuary
- Equine Advocates
- Equine Sciences Academy
- Equine Tourism
- Equine Welfare Consulting Services
- Friends of A Legacy (FOAL)
- Front Range Equine Rescue
- H.O.O.F.
- Habitat for Horses
- Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund & Adoption Center
- Horse of the Americas
- Horses For Life Foundation
- The Horse Network Directory
- Horse Savers
- Humane Society of the United States
- In Defense of Animals (IDA)
- International Ecotourism Society
- International Fund for Horses
- Lockwood Animal Rescue Center
- Last Chance for Animals
- Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue
- National Geographic Kids
- National Wild Horse Association
- National Wild Horse, Burro and Animal Sanctuary
- Photographers for the Preservation of Wild Horses
- Pine Nut Wild Horse Advocates
- Public Lands For Public Use
- Respect 4 Horses
- Return To Freedom, American Wild Horse Sanctuary (RTF)
- Salt River Wild Horse Management Group
- Save American Horses
- Saving America's Mustangs
- Seraphim12 Foundation
- Steadfast Steeds
- Southern Sun Farm Sanctuary
- Students for Horses
- True Cowboy Magazine
- U.S. Public Interest Research Group
- The Wild Spirit Horse, Inc
- Whole Horse Symposium Wild Burro Rescue & Preservation Project
- Wild Hearts Horse Fund
- Wild Horse Observers Association
- Wild Horse Preservation League
- The Wild Horse Sanctuary
- Wild Horse Spirit
- World Wildlife Foundation