Boise Wild Horse Off Range Corral Tour

Over a two-day period, 72 wild horses, including several yearlings, were made available for adoption following roundups from various herd management areas (HMAs). Under the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Adoption Incentive Program (AIP), buyers could qualify for a $1,000 government incentive. An observer from AWHC reported the facility had ten corrals holding an estimated 100 horses, none of which had shelter.
Of the 16 horses sold through an online auction, approximately 12 originated from this event. Meanwhile, 26 horses gathered from emergency roundups at Sands Basin and Four Mile HMAs are scheduled for release in about 1.5 years after fire and range restoration efforts. No foals will be released. Mares branded with an "AA" on the hip had previously received fertility control via PZP, while the remaining mares designated for release will be treated with GonaCon.
Available horses: 72 wild horses
- 22 older geldings *including 2 returns
- 33 older mares *including 4 returns
- 5 yearling fillies
- 12 yearling geldings