A End of Year Message From Suzanne Roy

As I sit down to reflect on this past year, my heart is full of gratitude. Gratitude for you—your kindness, your belief in this work, and your unwavering commitment to the wild horses and burros who depend on us. It’s because of people like you that this mission feels not just possible, but hopeful.
When I think of the incredible impact we’ve had with your support, I picture Blue and his mare, Lady, roaming freely on the Fish Springs range—a place of stunning beauty, shared with antelope, bald eagles, and so much other wildlife. Their freedom is thanks to you. Your support made it possible to launch the fertility control program over a decade ago that’s kept them wild. More recently, we’ve been able to protect 3,300 acres of land for their herd.
Photo of Blue and Lady
I also think of the lives you’ve helped save. Like the two yearling mares, captured and sold for just $25 each, who ended up in a kill pen within a month of leaving federal custody —rescued earlier this month thanks to our rescue fund. As our friend Gayle Hunt of the Central Oregon Wild Horse Coalition kindly said, “The fillies would likely be dead and wrapped for shipment as horse meat by now, were it not for AWHC.” It’s you who made it possible for us to work with Gayle and other advocates to provide the funds necessary to save these innocent young horses.
Photos of Fillies
Some memories will stay with me forever. One of them is Braveheart—the wild stallion who died at the first roundup I ever witnessed over a decade ago. I’ll never forget him: a beautiful sorrel with a striking white mare and his tiny lookalike foal running for their lives from a federal helicopter. As they neared the trap, Braveheart hesitated, torn between freedom and staying with his family to protect them. He chose them. His courage cost him his freedom and his life. Witnessing his final moments, and the cruelty of that roundup, changed me forever. It made this cause my life’s purpose—and I know it means just as much to you.
Because of you, we’ve achieved so much. Awareness is growing. Advocates are stepping up. More and more members are Congress taking action. The tide of justice is slowly turning. But there’s so much more to do, and I’m profoundly grateful to have you by our side in this fight.
As we close out this year, I’m proud to share our 2024 Impact Report and wrap up video highlighting the progress we’ve made together. You are the reason this work is possible, and I can’t express how much you mean to me, our team, and every life you’ve touched. Your compassion and humanity are at the very heart of everything we do. On behalf of our entire staff and board, thank you sincerely.
Wishing you a New Year filled with peace, joy, and freedom, especially for our beloved wild horses and burros.
With all my gratitude,
Executive Director, American Wild Horse Conservation