ROUNDUP REPORT: Twin Peaks Wild Horse & Burro Roundup

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is set to roundup  wild horses and burros roundup in the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area (HMA). Located in both Lassen County, CA and Washoe County, NV, the HMA covers 758,128 acres. 


Using helicopters, the operation aims to trap 800 horses and remove 728 of them. The remaining 72 horses will be released, with 30 treated with the fertility control drug GonaCon. Under the latest population survey from September 2022, this operation targets a 62% reduction in the herd size to meet the BLM’s appropriate management level (AML) of 448-758 horses.


As for burros, helicopters intends to trap and remove 143, purposing a 67% herd reduction under the BLM’s appropriate management level (AML) of 72-116 burros. 


Dates TBD

AWHC is on the ground—read our daily reports below


Last updated September '24